Tuesday, November 16, 2010

YAC Meeting: Nov. 2: MLK Day Preparation

D.J. and Caitlin will run the meeting.
D.J. the stickers are in one of the left doors at my office. Ask Mrs. Taucer or Ms. Infantino to open my office.

1. Week Before MLK Day: Chapel speakers and possible activitiesOCU President was the only speaker confirmed on Dec. 13th before the Thanksgivng break.
Caitlin: Updates on Amy Petty
D.J. updates on rest of week speakers

2. MLK Day; Activities
Cecil updates on Framing of the house: Volunteers, food, transporation, supervisor.

Salman updates on Green Team Workshops.

Chandler updates on Knitting for Soldiers possible activity.

Caitlin updates on collaboration for fundraising and building Habitat House between STUCO, GALES, and YAC.

Human rights, MLK, Jr.'s Dream and service? What are the commonalities?


Thursday, November 11, 2010

Yac meeting - 11/11/10

Participants: D.J., Christine l and F., Salman, Alizay,Leah,Caitlin. Many YAC members are also PASS volunteers and could not attend.

YAC MEETING - 11/11/10
Planning and discussion of projects between thanksgiving and christmas.

Bake Sales benefiting walk the world..Christine is managing this. Mrs. Clay told Christine to contact Friends of the UN. Christine announced location of the Walk: Casady Lake...Construction will have ended by then. Mrs. Clay will contact administrators to get location secured.

Goal: 100 participants from Casady and as much money as possible.
Work on advertising walk the world and raising awareness this year were suggestions by Caitlin
Green Team website survey was down. No report on this project by Salman.
Troop Packages..Help Chandler after two tomorrow at Bennett making packages
MLK knitting day possible.
*************YAC HELP WANTED BOARD************
Planning MLK Day of Service


We need YAC members to help with MLK visitor speakers! SEE POST BEFORE THIS!

D.J. is facilitating this. She will handle the YAC meeting in December bringing awareness and discussion of Youth for Human Rights and continue MLK Day planning. Mrs. Clay will ask Mrs Taucer to consider supervising the YAC meeting while see is away.

D.J. is reviewing the bio's of suggested speakers from the CEO of Respect Diversity Foundation below. After the YAC meeting, D.J. and Mrs. Clay contacted a dance instructor to explore a dance performance at chapel...if the CDC group welcomes that.

MLK Day proposal was taken to STUCO by Caitlin and Nicole to help fundraise and build a house for Habitat. STUCO approved the project and is now working on fundraising ideas. Caitlin and Nicole are facilitating collaboration with STUCO. Nicole and Chandler are members of STUCO and YAC. Caitlin will talk to STUCO President about ideas discussed during the YAC Invitational for the Habitat Project. Cecil is managing volunteers for MLK Day Framing of house,ONLY. We hope to frame a house, weather permitting. 50-60 volunteers 16 years old or older needed.

Caitlin will also talk to Gales and Multicultural Club about a possible collaboration for the Habitat Project on MLK Day and beyond.
STUCO meeting with Habitat CEO Anne Felton
Mrs. Felton brought fundraising ideas. She suggested not to delay construction until the Spring. Winter months, weather permitting are better. They are not as busy either. She confirmed Casady's framing of house set for MLK Day. Thank you Habitat workers for giving up your off day to work with us.

STUCO presented a couple of emerging fundraisers in mind: Coffee House, Heritage vs. Casady B-Games ideas

Caitlin will explore partnership with Chesapeake Volunteer Coordinator.

Cecil had a preliminary meeting with Mr. Shelley and Coach Bonfiglio regarding history and MLK Day volunteer possibilities-older than 16 years old only- from winter sports and wellness.

Cecil will speak to winter sport coaches next week for volunteers and supervisors on MLK Day. He will generate a volunteer list to give to Scotie.

Scotie will talk to his Healthy Eating Club members to see if they are interested in fixing sandwiches on MLK Day for the volunteers framing the home for Habitat. Mrs. Clay already contacted Mrs. Thomas for supplies. Mrs. Thomas will talk to Mr. Sheldon. Scotie will not be able to participate himself. This club needs to find an adult supervisor for sandwich making at Calvert on MLK Day.

Mr. Pena has the challenge of finding construction days for Habitat Project. YAC and STUCO will look for partnerships for building and fundraising purposes. The goal is to for the seniors to have the opportunity to see the house completed before graduation.
Speakers for Week Before MLK DayMrs. Clay helped Caitlin contact Mrs. Roller from the Memorial Museum to see if we can get Mrs. Petty to speak at chapel. Caitlin will follow-up with Mrs. Roller next week.

We have President Henry from OCU confirmed as a chapel speaker on January 13th. His guideline is to motivate Casady to serve on MLK Day. The details of the discussion of the speech are left for D.J. to handle.

After the meeting D.J.and Mrs. Clay brainstormed possibilites and developed and tentative calendar.

Monday: January 10, 2011: Chapel Speaker: TBA

Tuesday: January 11, 2011: Chapel Speaker: TBA YAC Meeting: CEO of RDF?

Wednesday: January 12, 2011:Chapel Speaker: TBA

Thursday: January 13, 2011: Chapel Speaker: OCU President Robert Henry.

Friday: January 14, 2011: Chapel Speaker: TBA

Saturday: January 15, 2011: Habitat for Humanity Volunteer Day

Sunday: January 16, 2011: Attend OKC opportunities available to honor MLK

Monday: January 17, 2011: At Brainstorming Stage
Prayer Breakfast: 7:00-8:30 a.m. Reed Center. Interested students attend with Mrs. Clay. There is a nominal cost for breakfast.

Habitat for Humanity: Frame a Home: 10:00-3:00 p.m. Winter sports volunteers, transportation and supervision by interested coaches. Cecil is handling this.

MLK Parade: Boys and Girls Club might have a float and Mr. A.Jay Johnson would like CDC to consider attending with the group of students CDC has mentored through dance classes in the past two years during YAC site visits.

Food for Habitat for Humanity Volunteers: By Healthy Club in collaboration with Mrs. Thomas. Supervisor for sandwich making time needed...maybe. Sandwiches delivered to construction site at 11:00 a.m. Water in water coolers with ice. Students encouraged to bring refillable water bottles. Scotie is handling this. Possible location: Calvert

9:30-3:30 Green Team Energy Audits and Project Learning Tree activities. Student Facilitator: Salman Hamid. Teacher Supervisors: Mrs. Clay and Mr. Delgrosso? Audit instructors: Mr. Les Pace and Mrs. Christina Stallings from Green Schools Committee Board. Location: Woods Community Center. The Center and Mrs. Clay's office and lab will be audited. Participants need to bring money for pizza lunch. Water provided. Lunch will be delivered.

Ending Racism Story Telling and Mural Making: At Cochran Library. Facilitated and supervised by YWCA workshop facilitators. No food allowed at the library. Time: TBA

Knitting for Soldiers: Managed by Chandler, time, location(Student Center or her home), and supervision TBA

Middle Division, Positive Tomorrows SEE Period Project: Making blankets for PT possible. Time, Date, Location and supervising teacher TBA by PT team.

2:00-4:00 ??? Food Bank, Kids Cafes considering giving a lesson on healthy treats and making treats with participants for a few Kids Cafes locations.

Primary Division teacher consider providing a workshop for 3year olds and parents...time and process TBA

Posted by your friendly neighborhood YAC yak. <3

YAC Meeting: Nov. 11th Preparing for MLK Day

How are Human Rights and the Dream connected?

Special thanks to Joan Korenblit, Respect Diversity Foundation for sending the Youth for Human Rights videos. She stated, "They are powerful and thought provoking. They touch on thirty human rights. My plan for Nov. 19 was to share some of these videos (see below) – launch into a discussion. Perhaps come up with more human rights – and create a collaborative HAIKU from the discussion.

You might want to have a kiosk at the MLK event to show them

1. We Are All Born Free & Equal
2. Don’t Discriminate
3. The Right to Life
4. No Slavery
5. No Torture
6. You Have Rights No Matter Where You Go
7. We’re All Equal Before the Law
8. Your Human Rights Are Protected by Law
9. No Unfair Detainment
10. The Right to Trial
11. We’re Always Innocent Till Proven Guilty
13. Freedom to Move
13. Freedom to Move
14. The Right to Seek a Safe Place to Live
15. Right to a Nationality
16. Marriage and Family
17. The Right to Your Own Things
18. Freedom of Thought
19. Freedom of Expression
20. The Right to Public Assembly
21. The Right to Democracy
22. Social Security
23. Workers’ Rights
24. The Right to Play
25. Food and Shelter for All
26. The Right to Education
27. Copyright
28. A Fair and Free World
29. Responsibility
30. No One Can Take Away Your Human Rights

Possible Speakers for MLK Week

1. Razi Hashmii, Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-OK)
rhashmi@cair.com Direct: 405-415-6851 Cell: 405-248-5853 (Moved.)

2. Cheryl Steele csauthor1@cox.net 286-0981

3. Roshini Nambiar, spiritual leader of the Vedic Temple 833-6107
roshininambiar@gmail.com (I learned that Roshini will be working.)

4. Angela Monson, OKC School Board Chairman angela_monson@ouhsc.edu C= 314-9613 w= 271-2390

5. John Mkize MAVOVO@aol.com 330-3982
Helped negotiate apartheid in South Africa (colorful)

6. Albert Gray Eagle imaginativz@yahoo.com 720-939-2056

7. Boston Snowdon (situs@cox.net)

8. Gloria Pollard dr_gloriap@hotmail.com 771-3316

9. Joyce Henderson Wmgeraldjoyce@aol.com 478-1049

10. I mentioned Elizabeth Muller as the dance choreographer. Her style is very peaceful. Possibly too “flowery” for your students. I don’t know. Her contact info is: elizmuller@mac.com 630-0895.

11. I’ve sent an e-mail to Beatrice Johnson, coordinator of Reading to End Racism (RER) for the YWCA, suggesting that she and her volunteers participate in an RER event at Service Night . Feel free to contact her at bjohnston@ywcaokc.org, 249-5863. The contact info for Beatrice Johnson is below. She said she’d like to have volunteers with Reading to End Racism lead story telling and discussion groups for a family night event at Casady.

Beatrice Johnston, Sr. Director, Racial Justice and Economic Empowerment
YWCA Oklahoma City, McFarland Branch, 1701 N. Martin Luther King Ave.
Oklahoma City, OK 73111, Phone: (405) 424-4623, Fax: (405) 424-4625

This afternoon at the UNA-OKC meeting, Juliet Abdeyawad, an OSU student on the board of directors, agreed to make a hanging art collage of photos of events promoted by UNA-OKC. This collage will be showcased at the Respect Diversity Symbol Exhibit. She’ll also create a power-point presentation to show at the April luncheon. Therefore, we would appreciate it if you would forward photos from the 2010 Walk the World event. This is a great way to promote Walk the World 2011.
Contact info: Juliet Abdeyawad, 405/762-0374, jabde878@gmail.com.
P.S. We’d like for a representative to (again) share information about Walk the World at the next luncheon.

Joan Korenblit, Executive Director, Respect Diversity Foundation,
www.respectdiversity.org, 405/359-0369

An example of Service-Learning project in the curriculum for Veterans

In recognition of Veterans Day, we here at the National Service-Learning Clearinghouse would like to spotlight just some of the great work that students are performing on behalf of our veterans. Voicing Experiences Through Service (VETS) is a multi-year, multi-state project funded by the Corporation for National and Community Service and housed at the Indiana Institute on Disability and Community, Indiana University, Bloomington. VETS supports young people ages 14 to 21 as they build relationships with veterans and collaboratively record oral histories of their service. These histories are then submitted to the Veterans History Project at the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C. You can read more about VETS in our service-learning success stories: http://servicelearning.org/success_stories/k-12-sector/voicing-experiences-through-service-vets

Last year, students from Creekwood Middle School and other schools in the Humble Independent School District in Texas took on a World War I-themed service-learning project. Inspired by the story of Frank Buckles, the last surviving WWI veteran in the U.S., students learned about the war in their classes, and raised funds to help restore and rededicate the WWI monument in Washington, D.C. You can learn more about the project in this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VaVJGE46gNY

For resources and ideas for service-learning projects that honor veterans in your community, please see our Veterans page on the NSLC website: http://servicelearning.org/topic/veterans

Please let us know about service-learning projects that you’ve taken part in to honor and assist veterans! Email us at nslc@etr.org.


Erin Lee, MLIS
Public Services Librarian
866-245-7278 x240

Facebook: facebook.com/LSANSLC
Twitter: @nslc

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

World Kindness Week: http://www.randomactsofkindness.org/

Kindness is Contagious..PASS IT ON!!!!

Keith McPherson, climbing a canyon will be more than a dream come true—it symbolizes the spiritual, physical and mental rehabilitation of self-determination.

Donate to HUDDLE to fight THUNGER



MAKE a special SHOE BOX for needy children: Participate in Aly's project

Sometimes, a hug is all what we need.

Free hugs is a real life controversial story of Juan Mann, A man whos sole mission was to reach out and hug a stranger to brighten up their lives.

In this age of social disconnectivity and lack of human contact, the effects of the Free Hugs campaign became phenomenal.

As this symbol of human hope spread accross the city, police and officials ordered the Free Hugs campaign BANNED. What we then witness is the true spirit of humanity come together in what can only be described as awe inspiring.

In the Spirit of the free hugs campaign, PASS THIS TO A FRIEND and HUG A STRANGER! After all, If you can reach just one person

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

YAC Meeting: Knitting Lesson

Participants: Christine, Defne, Arjun, Chandler, Alizay, Jasmine, Tina, Salman, Zainab
Knitting for Troops Project
Chandler, YAC Junior Chair facilitated the meeting and the knitting demonstration and lesson. After everyone started to knitt, Chandler gave the history of the Knitting for Troops project and invited YAC to participate in the first knitting day at her home this Saturday. Zainab will help sewing labels to the finished scarves which will be sold this year at two stores, No Regrets and Balliet's. Chandler needs help with knitting and making packages for soldiers this month.

Green Team Project
Salman showed an interactive carbon footprint calculator website and asked YAC members to take the test. Mrs. clay was used as an example. The link to the test is ...

Casady Cans Do, Students Against Hunger Results
We raised over $1,500 and over 7,000 cans between all schools. Our goal was $1,700 and 2,000 cans in the Upper Division. We raised almost all the money, but only 1,500 cans. Mrs. Clay asked YAC members who helped to send their reflection via e-mail to certify hours.

MLK Day planning will take place with YAC senior chair this week. They were not able to attend.

Shinnyo-en thank you letter and healing stories with toy animals still pending.


About Me

cbc: clayc@casady.org; 405-749-3103