Sunday, October 28, 2012

Friday, November 2, YAC Meeting

Agenda and Minutes:  Mrs. Clay will be away with Chemistry Field Trip

1. NY/NJ  Drive?  What can we do to help? We are waiting to see what is needed.  We contacted the Red Cross.  Red Cross suggested to contact the Salvation Army for any drives.  Red Cross is accepting only monetary donations.  YAC does not have permission to do monetary drives at this time.  This could change as the needs are assessed.

2. Fall Fest Report:  $55 for Food Bank. $500 Donation from Multicultural Club.  Caden H. and Mrs. Clay will take check to Food Bank on Saturday.  Multicultural Club will make presentation of Big Check to YAC Tuesday.  We surpassed our goal on cans and money!!!  Great job, Cyclones and YAC/

3. Warm-4-PT Project: Anne - Holiday Party? We will follow-up on this after finals.  Anne will contact Positive Tomorrows to see what is possible and then contact pertinent administrators for appropiate permissions.

4. Casady Cans Do Project: Thank you cards, reflective essay for blog, delivery of check to Boys and Girls Club Saturday. YAC Senior Chairs  Tabled for next meeting.  Only 4 members were at the meeting because of sports and field trips.

5. Make a Difference Day Report

For more than 20 years, USA WEEKEND Magazine and Points of Light have joined together to sponsor Make A Difference Day, the largest national day of community service. Millions of volunteers around the world unite in a common mission to improve the lives of others.

Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma Statistics
This year Casady Service-Learning and YAC connected to the Make a Difference National Initiative with YAC's big project the Casady Cans Do-Students Against Hunger Food Drive (October 22-26).  The YAC senior chairs took the leadership of the project.  They created teams of YAC members who motivated Cyclones from all divisions dressed in can costumes with posters advocating donations to the Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma to take a bit of Oklahoma Hunger. Only UD and MD requested monetary donations.  The other divisions concentrated in bringing cans.  The Middle Division brought the most cans and a new event, a canstruction competition, revived an old Casady tradition. The final donation from all divisions was 5,779 cans and $1,016.87 with a generous contribution of $500 from the Multicultural Club after Fall Fest. 

A Story of Hope

Casady Service-Learning, thanks to the Tompkins family, also had the opportunity to join the volunteers from Buy for Less, OSU nursing school, Westminster Church, and Da Vita Dialysis Centers the morning of October, 27, official National Day of Doing Good.   Volunteers framed a home and did exterior painting of two adjacent homes.  Habitat has volunteer opportunities for students 16 years old or older at these homes.  All houses are located at Habitat's Hope Crossing Addition. Drive on I-235 and exit on Wilshire heading east to Kelley. Turn North on Kelley Ave. then turn west on N.E. 83rd. Make a right N.E. 84th and drive to Lindsay turn back north until house number 8512. The address is 8512 N.E. Lindsay.  Contact, 405-520-1325 to arrange volunteering as a group or visit and contact the volunteer coordinator for personal opportunities to serve. Wear appropiate clothing and closed-toe shoes.  Bring working gloves and refillable water bottle.  Training on site starts at 8:00 a.m. and the work day goes on until the job assignment for the day is completed or 4:00 p.m. 

On Sunday, afternoon, from 3-5 PM, sophomore Chance B. introduced S.A.D.D. Students Against Destructive Decisions to Casady Cyclones.  Students played some basketball at the old Thunder Training Facility in Edmond before Chance introduced the purpose of the club and call for ideas for next meetings.  Chance's presentation was followed by a pumpkin carving contest: "Carving out destructive decisions."

The Casady S.A.D.D. club was registered at the Make a Difference website as the Casady project for Make a Difference Day.  Chance stated, "I felt there was a need in my community for the SADD chapter, we are all facing tough decisions, that are not always the popular decisions. Although it is not my comfort zone to step out in front, I felt that if I did that my peers may take notice and really listen."

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Tuesday, October 23, 2012


First Place: Seniors

Canstructions were finished by b-block Thursday.  After lunch, judges, who consisted of Mr. Philipson, Mrs. Miano, Dr. Powell, Mrs. Stone, Mrs. Scott, and Coach Bonfiglio followed a judging rubric which provided 4 points as the highest score and 1 as the lowest score:  The criteria was: Most cans donated to build canstruction on Wednesday and Thursday (Seniors, Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors). Best Meal: Variety of cans used. Creativity in Design. Teamwork:  Numbers of class members who participated in the canstruction (Seniors, Freshmen, Sophomores and Juniors).    Thank you to the team leaders for fighting hunger and feeding hope with your donations, creativity, and care and to Mr. Philipson for donated the competition prize, a pizza lunch for the winning grade.

Second Place: Freshmen
The winners of the canstruction competition were officially announced at Chapel.  Mr. Philipson will announce the date for the winning class pizza lunch.
Third Place: Sophomores

Fourth Place: Juniors
Thank you to everyone who participated in the REVIVAL of an old tradition, "canstruction."  Special thanks to the Judy H., senior YAC chair who spirited the idea, and to all the YAC members and YAC chairs who created the process and implemented the actions that surpassed our donation goals of cans and money to our Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma.




Monday, October 22, 2012

Kids Care Week: Casady Cans Do 2012: Reflection and Results

Primary Division:  Things to have in mind for 2013: Carpool starts at 7:50 AM. We need volunteers with first hour off with permission to use their study hall to help students in the PD Division.  Stickers needed for everyday of the food drive at this division next year.  The Red Wagons of Hope is on Thursday and students with study hall at the times below are needed to help the children take their donations, weather provided. Due to bad weather, this activity did not take place in 2012, instead of the Red Wagons of Hope March to the Food Bank truck, the children placed their donations in a van that took the cans to the Food Bank truck
*10:15---Pre-k bring cans to Food Bank truck. *2:00--K takes cans to the truck
Monday: 30 cans,
Tuesday: 63 cans,
Wednesday: 69 cans
Thursday: 35 cans

Friday: 21 cans  5 Day Total: 218 cans
Red Wagons of Hope

Lower Division: All Divisions' Winners:  MONDAY & TUESDAY.  Third place in overall food drive competition.  Tripp the dancing can was a hit! Fire fighters stickers were a great incentive, but nothing replaces the high school students as motivators and role models of caring and givers of time and enthusiasm.  We hope to have a 4th grade can counting team for next year.
Monday: 116 cans and $50 check = 166
Tuesday: 132 cans and $100 check= 232
Wednesday: 220 cans and $ 3=223
Thursday: 335 cans
Friday: 245 cans   
5 Day Total: 1,048 cans and $153= 1,201 new record to beat in 2012.


Middle Division: Winner of all division Wednesday, Thursday and Friday! Overall winner of the Casady Cans Do, Students Against Hunger Competition.  The dancing can motivated others to help inspire students and parents to give.  New this year was music with the can dancer which prompted groups of dancing students in front of the MD on Thursday and Friday.  MD is considering making house costumes and creating a hunger fighting songs and dances. 

Monday: 166 cans. Kelly, Martin, Taber and Woolsey
Tuesday: 158 cans. Martin  ber Kelly Woolsey.  Running 2 days total 324

Martin 116 today (215 for three days)
Taber 108 today (195 for 3 days) 
Kelly 70 today (169 for 3 days) 
Woolsey 118 today (157 for 3 days)  
Running 3 days total:  736 cans

Woolsey 425 today  (582 for four days)      
Martin 194 today (409 for four days) 
Kelly 181 (350 for four days) 
Taber 77 today (272 for four days)
Running 4 Days total 1613 cans

Martin House 1,050 cans 
Overall winner of the MD competition for an out of uniform!
MD Total for Food Drive 3,473 cans

Upper Division:  YAC chairs provided daily raffles and Judy H. revived the old Casady tradition of Canstruction Competitions.  The donations progressively increased, but we need to consider competitions between sports, clubs, and maybe an empty bowls banquet with silent auction and fashion show next year.  Fall Fest weather did not permit YAC to raise but $55 for the Food Bank.  If we have the drive at the same time as homecoming again, we should consider developing a collaboration with the alumni office and other clubs.  Multicultural Club surprised YAC with a $500 donation for the Food Drive after Fall Fest!

Monday-STUCO's East Coast vs. West Coast Homecoming Dress-up day
58 cans and $30

Katie H. Raffle winner

Tuesday-STUCO's  Ipod shuffle homecoming Dress-Up Day
171 cans and $5
Freshmen, Seniors, Sophomores, Juniors
Hannah P.: Raffle winner

Wednesday-STUCO's CAT astrophe Homecoming Dress-Up Day

103 cans and $43.87
Seniors, Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors
Lily H. Raffle winner
Running Three Day Total: 332 cans and $ 78.87.

Thursday- STUCO's Thrift Shop Dress-Up Day
416 cans and $90
Seniors, Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors
4 Day Running Total: 748 cans and $168.87= 916.87


Friday: STUCO's Olympics Dressed-up Day, Pep Rally & FALL FEST
392 cans and $ 40 
Seniors, freshmen, sophomores, juniors

1,140 cans and $ 208.87  = new record on cans, but we did not meet the money goal M-F. 

During Fall Fest YAC collected $55.  After Fall Fest, Multicultural Club surpised YAC with a $500 donation for the Food Bank. 

Sale of STUCO's Homecoming T-Shirts
Olympic Day

Pep Rally

YAC Booth Fall Fest

Blankets for Positive Tomorrows: Fall Fest YAC Booth
SECOND PLACE: UPPER DIVISION : 1040 CANS + $208.87 + $55+ $500+ $100


Monday: 370 cans, $80  
Tuesday: 521 cans and $105  
Wednesday: 2,242 cans and $231.87
Thursday:  4,441 cans, $321.87 
Friday: 5,779 cans and $ 361.87



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