Monday, September 26, 2011



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On 9/21/2011, United Nations, International Day of Peace's 30th Anniversary, multilingual peace pinwheels spun at the Casady lake aligning our paths to peace with "finding and acting from a state of peace within ourselves to commitment to practical acts of peace for the good of others; and to an ongoing peace building practice."   The Peace One Day, Global Truce 2012 video inspired us to equate the observance of the day to saving lives because the projected cease of fire would allow children to be immunized, and food would reach people in need through the United Nations World Food Programme. We were also inspired by Jeremy Gilley's passion for an intentional avoidance of conflict and violence on International Day of Peace.

       La clase de la Senorita Croce         
The UD peace pinwheels, designed by Spanish teacher, Eric Chaverri, were the first to be planted around the lake. Miss Brittany Croce, UD Spanish teacher stated, "Pinwheels gave a fun break from grammar. Students did a great job decorating them with thoughtful target language words and haiku poetry."

Orchestra @ Chapel

At UD chapel, Mr. Larry Moore stated his path to peace as "peaceful resolution of conflicts" at the end of an inspiring speech and before his orchestra performed Mr. Moore's favorite "piece of peace" led by Teddy Nollert'12.

The Middle, Lower, and Primary Divisions, wearing Six Billion Paths to Peace t-shirts donated for the occasion by the Shinnyo-en Foundation,  had special celebration activities through the day.

Mr. Varela, our Assistant Vicar and Miss Lynn Taylor, Foreign Language Department Head, facilitated a reflective and joyful MD planting of peace pinwheels around the lake.  

Mrs. Jeanmarie Nielsen, choir director for Upper and Middle divisions stated, "All MD choirs and the UD Choir learned a setting of the "Pie Jesu," Latin prayer for peace. The composer, Mary Lynn Lightfoot, is an Oklahoma musician who wrote this piece after the OKC bombing.  The MD choirs came together to form a mass choir of 73 singers, and sang "Pie Jesu" in chapel on Wednesday, 9/21/11.  The UD choir sang the piece in their chapel on Tuesday, 9/20/11."

At the end of the day, fifth graders joined the Eno Environment online, PEACE IS GREEN and planted a sapling of the Oklahoma Memorial Survivor Tree brought to our campus by the museum's education coordinator, Mrs. Lynn Porter.  Inspirational tree planting speeches were given by fifth grade students, Dalton Schumaker, Lucy Greene and teacher and  environmentalist,  David Braden. 

The LD planted their laminated piwheels on a drawing of a peace symbol.   At chapel students joined children around the world singing Rock our World, facilitated by Tammy Rice, LD music teacher.   

The Primary Division students were so attached to their pinwheels they could not part from them.  They had a reflective walk and delighted observing the pinwheels created by the other divisions across the lake.  Emma Sharp'12 volunteered at the event.

Susan Bruce, LD Math teacher, as she did in 2006, when she brought the pinwheels for peace project to the Casady community in  support of the then first OKC citywide Pinwheels for Peace festival, took hundreds of LD pinwheels to the OCU International Day of  Peace, Pinwheels for Peace Festival.  Khadija Hamid'12 and Carmen Clay, Service-Learning Director took the UD and MD pinwheels to the festival.   Festival volunteers planted over 800 pinwheels in front of the Great Hall of the OCU McDaniel Student Center.  One of the Casady pinwheels made the morning headline in the Daily Oklahoman on 10/22/2011.

Japan America Society Community Dance
  Inside OCU's Great Hall, intergenerational performers delighted the audience demonstrating the rich multicultural talented tapestry of our city.

Waka Waka, Capitol Hill High School Dance Club

Seaworth Academy Music Class

Giant Pinwheel Workshop at Woods Community Room
The giant pinwheels created by Khadija Hamid'12 at a workshop facilitated by LWPB architectural firm intern Morgan Robberson, received OCU's giant pinwheel contest trophies.

Pinwheels were donated to non-profit organizations through festival organizer, Respect Diversity Foundation CEO, Joan Korenblit.

At the culmination of the OCU festival, Joan Korenbilt stated, “Guests participated in a drumming circle that set the mood for our festival.

Participants were asked to ‘imagine peace.’ They joined in during several dances including a lovely Japanese folk dance. The festival was truly an interactive celebration! People of all cultures were reminded that the diversity within our world enhances the Earth.”

Peace Flash Mob choreographed by Elizabeth Mueller
 Khadija Hamid'12 from Casady School stated, "It was awesome to make the pinwheels, dance the flash peace mob, and see the talented youth who celebrated the International Day of Peace at OCU. I wish more people would have been able to participate because it was amazing. I loved Capitol Hill's High School's Waka, Waka and the Dragon Dancers ."

Give Peace a Chance by Steve McLinn  

Carmen Clay'74 stated, "Our only regret was not to have been able to share the festival with our Shinnyo-en friends-kind providers of the Six Billion Paths to Peace t-shirts for Festival participants-, Foundation Vice-President, Ben Takagi and Program Director, Ineko itsuchida, who spent the day resolving peacefully conflicts with flight cancellations and  missed connections."

Japan in a Suitcase Peace Film Series: On a Paper Crane,
Tomoko's Adventure OCU workshop on 9/21/2011
Let's keep on working at making Sadako's Origami "esperanza de" paix a reality. 



PEACE in many languages

Peace, English

Paz, Spanish, Portuguese

Paix, French

Pace, Italian, Romanian

Frede, German

Mír, Russian, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Serbian, Slovene, Ukrainian

Shalom, Hebrew

Salam, Arabic

Heiwa, Japanese

Pingan, Chinese

Shanti, Hindi, Bengali, Gujarati, Kannada, Telugu

Amaní, Swahili

Alaáfía, Yoruba

Achukma, Choctaw

Amaithi, Tamil

Aman Malay, Urdu

Amniat, Pashto

Anachemowegan, Mohecan

Ashtee, Farsi

Asomdwee, Twi-Akan

Bake, Basque

Barish, Turkish

Béke, Hungarian

Boóto, Mongo-Nkundu

Búdech, Palauan

Chibanda, Ila

Däilama, Sa'a

Damai, Indonesian

Diakatra, Maranao

Dodolimdag, Papago/Pima

Echnahcaton, Munsterian

Emirembe, Ugandan

Ets'a'an Olal, Maya

'Éyewi, Nez Perce

Fandriampahalemana, Malgache

Filemu, Samoan

Fois, Scots, Gaelic

Fred, Danish, Norwegian, Swedish

Friður, Icelandic

Goom-jigi, Buli

Gúnnammwey, Carolinian

Hasîtî, Kurdish

Hau, Tahitian

Hedd, Welsh

Hmethó, Otomi

Hoa Bình, Vietnamese

Ilifayka, Koasati

Innaihtsi'iyi, Blackfoot

Iri'ni, Greek

Írq, Amharic

Kagiso, Setswana

Kalilíntad, Magindanaon

Kapayapaan, Tagalog, Filipino

K'é, Navajo

Kev, Thajyeeb Nyab Xeeb, Hmong Daw

Khanhaghutyun, Armenian

Khotso, Sesotho

Kiñuiñak, Northwest Alaska Inupiat Inuktitut

Kiba-kiba, Rapanui

Kunammwey, Chuuk

Kupia Kumi, Laka Miskito

Kutula, Fanagolo

'Kwam, Sa Lao

La Paqe, Albanian

La Patz, Aranés

La Pau, Catalán

Lapé Haitian, Creole

Layéni, Zapoteco

Li-k'ei, Tlingit

Linew, Manobo

Lùmana, Hausa

Kapayapaan, Tagalog

Maluhia, Hawaiian

Meleilei, Ponapean

Melino, Tongan

Miers, Latvian

Mina, Wintu

Mtendere, Chewa, Nyanja

Muka-muka, Ekari

Musango, Duala

Mutenden, Bemba

Nabad -Da, Somali

Nagaya, Ethiopian

Nanna Ayya, Chickasaw

Ñerane'i, Guaraní

Nimuhóre, Ruanda

Nirudho, Pali

Nye, Ntomba

Olakamigenoka, Abenaqui

Paçi, Maltese

Pardamean, Indonesia

Paco, Esperanto

Pax, Latin

Pokój, Polish, Slovak

Pyong'hwa, Korean

Rahu, Estonian

Rangima'arie, Maori

Rauha, Finnish

Rerdamaian, Indonesian

Rukun, Javanese

Saanti, Nepali

Sai Gaai Òh, Pìhng Yue

Salama, Swahili

Santipap, Thai

Saq, Uighur

Shîte, Tibetan

Sholim, Yiddish

Síocháin, Irish

Sìth, Gaelic

Soksang, Khmer

Solh Dari, Persian

Sonqo, Tiaykuy, Quechua

Sulh, Turkish, Afghan

Taika, Lithuanian

Tecócatú, Nhengatu

Thayu, Gikuyu, Kenyan

Tsumukikatu, Comanche

Tuktuquil, Usilal Kékchí

Tutkiun, North Alaska Inuktitut

Udo, Igbo

Ukuthula, Zulu

Uvchin, Mapudungun

Uxolo, Xhosa

Vrede, Afrikaans, Dutch

Wâki Ijiwebis-I, Algonquin

Wetaskiwin, Cree

Wolakota, Lakhota

Wôntôkóde, Micmac

Wo'okeyeh, Sioux

Zhi-bde, Tibetan

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Pinwheels for Peace in MD and UP Division

Khadija H. embraced PW-4-Peace. She volunteered on behalf of YAC @ MD on Thursday, September 15th.

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September 18: Giant Pinwheel making workshop. Woods. We are purchasing materials for two. Please make sure you sign-up if interested. Volunteers needed to set-up the Peace Pals International exhibit at the Middle Division after the pinwheel workshop. Khadija will be attending and pre-planning a Peace Mural she hopes YAC will embrace on Monday.  She will not come to the B-block meeting, but will be at the meeting during lunch.
1:00 p.m. Middle Division International Club starts making giant pinwheel under Miss Morgan Robberson's facilitation. Miss Roberson is an architectural intern at LWPB architectural firm. LWPB especializes.  We do not have any students coming.  Mrs. Clay and Mrs. Robberson will make the first pinwheel.  The pinwheel will be decorated by YAC at Monday's meeting.

2:00 p.m. UD YAC and other interested students make giant pinwheel with Miss Robberson.

September 19: Miss Detering's Spanish classes make pinwheels

September 20: Reminder of pinwheels planting schedule. Mrs, Clay transports "May Peace Prevail on Earth Exhibit from Middle Division to OCU.

September 21: Divisional Celebration of International Day of Peace
Primary: 10:00 a.m. Peace Walk with Pinwheels around their area of the lake. Song: Its a small world
LD: Chapel: Rock our world song. This song is going around the world. Planting of pinwheels around the lake at sometime during the day. Mrs. Bruce will transport pinwheels to OCU, International Day of Peace festival after school.
MD: Chapel: UD choir sings peace song. MD plants pinwheels after chapel with Father Blizzard's blessings. Dance Mob: Give Peace a Chance. There might be a labyrinth to reflect at the MD lawn.
UD: 7:30 a.m. Volunteers Plant language and YAC pinwheels around the lake
chapel: Orchestra performs a peace song. and whatever Khadija and YAC decides to do today.
3:00 p.m. Mrs. Clay leaves to set up UD pinwheels at OCU and to pick-up Shinnyo-en visitors at the Waterford hotel. Visitors arrive at 2:00 p.m. Mr. Clay will pick-up from airport.
4:30-7:00 p.m. International Day of Peace, Pinwheels and multicultural festival at OCU, Student Center -Great Hall, and Quad, weather provided!
8:00 p.m. Dinner with Shinnyo-en visitors. Students have to do homework. YAC students can meet visitors during A and B block as the tour our campus on the 22nd.

September 22: Shinnyo-en visitors on campus, 11:00-3:30 p.m.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Second and third YAC Meeting: Tuesday, September 13, B-block

SERVICE-LEARNING NEWS: Mrs. Clay was away attending a COVA meeting (Central Oklahoma Volunteer Administrators).  Mrs. Taucer supervised the meeting. No minutes, but it was reported that only 5 students attended. Mrs. Clay participated at a true colors workshop, which she will bring to Casady YAC on a Saturday for interested students. The workshop will TARGET FRESHMEN AND YAC CHAIRS. It will take place at Camp Fire USA where YAC will serve after the workshop. Date: TBA, but it will be in October or at the end of September. Jessica Green brought the CEO of Wings at 10:00 a.m. Both ladies are looking for a sustainable, direct contact service between YAC and Wings. It is a great opportunity for YAC to do something different with a great group of students. Go FRESHMAN, YAC CHAIR.

Suggested Agenda: 

1. Chandler's items

2. Zainab's items

3. Khadija's items
Proposal for YAC celebration of 9/21 in UD.
a. Out of Uniform: Place you made a difference and/or 6bptp t-shirt.  If you want a 6bptp t-shirt, contact Mrs. Clay.
b. Khadija's ideas:  Peace Flash Mob???  Art piece??  When? who?  Planting UD pinwheels around the lake on 9/21???
c.Helping service-learning (Mrs. Clay) with International Day of Peace

1. September 13: 10:00 a.m. HARPER. Skype with London based, Jeremy Gilley, creator of Peace One Day
Mr. Ziebell's French III makes pinwheels with haiku poetry
2. September 15: Thursday Day off: Volunteer at MD helping foreign languages classes make pinwheels. Set-up supplies at the end of the day Wednesday. Classes are from 8:30-2:25.   Teachers: Spanish: Mr. Chaverri (5th-8th grade Spanish: Second Floor, Mrs. Clay(Fifth Grade Spanish, first floor), Miss Deterling (7th grade Spanish, first floor), Mr. Clement (8th-5th grade French, First Floor)
Rehearsal of flash mob if so desired.  Khadija will check schedules of willing dancers.  The dance is feature in the blog entrance below.  You may use that music, official entry in the Pinwheels for Peace OCU International Day of Peace Festival: 4:30-7:00 p.m. or you can decide to use any other appropiate music.
3. September 16: Miss Croce's classes make pinwheels, learn Spanish voc.
4. September 17: Japan in a suitcase.  Sign-up if interested in movie and/or workshops.  Space limited to 25 people.  We will invite independent living facilities residents, Britton and Johnson elementary if Casady students schedules do not permit participation. 
a. 11:30 Film: Taro the Dragon Boy. Anime film
b. 2:30-4:30:
5. September 18: Giant Pinwheel making workshop.  Woods.  We are purchasing materials for two.  Please make sure you sign-up if interested.  Volunteers needed to set-up the Peace Pals International exhibit at the Middle Division after the pinwheel workshop.
1:00 p.m.  Middle Division International Club starts making giant pinwheel under Miss Morgan Robberson's facilitation.  Miss Roberson is an architectural intern at LWPB architectural firm. LWPB especializes.
2:00 p.m. UD YAC and other interested students make giant pinwheel with Miss Robberson.
6. September 19:  Miss Detering's Spanish classes make pinwheels
7. September 20: Reminder of pinwheels planting schedule.  Mrs, Clay transports "May Peace Prevail on Earth Exhibit from Middle Division to OCU.
8. September 21: Divisional Celebration of IDP
Primary:  10:00 a.m.  Peace Walk with Pinwheels around their area of the lake.  Song: Its a small world
LD:  Chapel: Rock our world song.  This song is going around the world. Planting of pinwheels around the lake at sometime during the day.  Mrs. Bruce will transport pinwheels to OCU, International Day of Peace festival after school.
MD: Chapel: UD choir sings peace song.  MD plants pinwheels after chapel with Father Blizzard's blessings.  Dance Mob: Give Peace a Chance.  There might be a labyrinth to reflect at the MD lawn.
UD chapel:  Orchestra performs a peace song. and whatever Khadija and YAC decides to do today.
3:00 p.m. Mrs. Clay leaves to set up UD pinwheels at OCU and to pick-up Shinnyo-en visitors at the Waterford hotel.  Visitors arrive at 2:00 p.m. Mr. Clay will pick-up from airport.
4:30-7:00 p.m. Intrnational Day of Peace, Pinwheels and multicultural festival at OCU, Student Center -Great Hall, and Quad, weather provided!
8:00 p.m. Dinner with Shinnyo-en visitors. Students have to do homework.  YAC students can meet visitors during A and B block as the tour our campus on the 22nd.
9. September 22: Shinnyo-en visitors on campus, 9:00-3:30 p.m.

4. Salman's items

5. Other YAC students' items

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Third meeting
We continued to wait for STUCO's directives and decided not to meet until we were given the go ahead for projects. YAC also decided to minimize YAC lunch meetings to when they were really needed.

The first project as a team will be fundraiser, Fall Fest, October 14.

Mrs. Clay requested volunteers to help pinwheel making on October 15, day off. She also requested volunteers to place language pinwheels around the lake. Only Khadija signed-up.

The schedule of activities for international day of peace sponsored by language classes was presented to the YAC leadership, but only Khadija embraced it. Khadija requested an out of uniform for International Day of Peace for the UD, but it was denied because there were too many out of uniforms for the month of September already: 65 b-day of Casady and Dig Pink. The UD celebration would be limited to pinwheel planting and chorus and orchestra chapel performances.

YAC members were also asked if they wanted to learn to make a giant pinwheel with intern from architectural firm. Khadija signed-up. Khadija also started a mural, which could not be finished to 9/21, but she stated that she would work on it when time was available. The mural will be presented at the Respect Diversity Foundation Exhibit in March and at the 5th grade "May Peace Prevail on Earth" exhibit at the MD in December.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

YAC schedule to consider in planning 2011-2012

YAC 2011-2012

2011-2012 Dates
Brainstormed planning 2011-2012. Contacted National Memorial Museum for Hope trunks. Respect Diversity, and UN Association of Greater Oklahoma on board for International Day of Peace at OCU.

July: Brainstormed main service-learning program global and inclusivity projects for September and June: Reconnected to Tierra de Ninos in Peru and World Leadership School for possible service-learning trip to Peru: Jungle: Tarapoto and Ollantaytambo (2nd and third week in June). Skyped with Youth LEAD for creation of Youth Service Interfaith Forum in collaboration with YMCA.

August: YAC Invitational: Peace one Day movie, Woods, Saturday, August 13 or 20, TBA by YAC leadership after checking schedules, 10-3 as tentative schedule with meal provided at local restaurant.  Chapel announcement to recruit members will invite students to Invitational.  Must stay the whole time. Planning first.  Movie second.

September: 7/1--7/11: Hope Trunks in Lower, Middle and Upper Division.  Peace Ambassador Exhibit

Sunday: 7/11: Remembrance: Collaboration with National Memorial Museum of Oklahoma: Hope Trunks, Ambassadors of Peace Exhibit, Youth LEAD training. Anti-Bullying Campaign. Respect Diversity Foundation, UN Association of Greater Oklahoma. Interfaith Forum, Global Citizens. Possible volunteer opportunity at Buddha Mind Fundraising Concert.  Skype at noon with Harvard graduate student, college of education.  Topic: Volunteering, Social Responsiblity and Change

September 13: Skype with Jeremy Gilley, Confirmed with Jeremy's assistant, Kayleigh, that we will be holding a Skype call on 13th Septemeber. The time will be
16.00 (4:00 p.m.)London time, 10 a.m. Central.

Saturdays, September 10 and 17th: Japan in a Suitcase for Casady

Wednesday 7/21: International Day of Peace at Casady and OCU in collaboration with Shinnyo-en Foundation Six Billion Paths to Peace (t-shirt sizes needed ASAP.) JASO, OCU Pinwheels for Peace, Respect Diversity Foundation, UN Association of Greater Oklahoma, Interfaith Forum.  We need to decide what we want to promote at Casady.  ONE IDEA: A minute of silence at chapel, human embrace with pinwheels around the lake.  Sing a song like

October: Casady Cans Do Food Drive?

November: Family Volunteering during Thanksgiving???

December: Interfaith Volunteering during December Holidays???

January: MLK Day: Monday January 16: Winter Sports construction project, volunteering at Food Bank, doing a green project???? speakers????

February: Random Acts of Kindness???, Guild of Saint George Collection, NAIS Conference in Seattle: Feb 29-March 2

March:Mrs. Clay will be spending Spring Break in Peru finalizing investigations for service trips to the jungle and ollantaytambo, Multicultural Week

April: NYLC National Service Learning Conference Minneapolis: April 11-14
National Volunteer Week: April 15-21: Presidential awards, Service Fair??, Chapel speeches?? Celebration Banquet,
Global Youth Service Day April 20-22 ???? Friday 20: Walk for Health, Saturday: 21 Volunteering at Food Bank, Sunday 22: Interfaith Forum at Casady??????

Earth Day: Sunday April 22: Street Clean-up ??? Interfaith Forum at Casady???

May: YAC Recognition and Celebration lunch with Community organizations??Senior "adios"

September: Service-Learning Program Project: Peace@ the Heart of Service

Casady Service-Learning will be participating in the 11 Days – 11 Ways Campaign! Motivate to act on issues of social justice, civic responsibility, and peace.

If you have any programs, events or actions, please post them on the Global Unity Calendar at  The WE Campaign & The United Religions Initiative:,

Focus Area(s)
Theme 1 – Unity,
Theme 3 – Environment,
Theme 8 – Human Rights,
Theme 11 – The International Day of Peace, Values, Ethics and Spirit
Peace, the heart of service

YAC Peace begins with me: September 11-September 21 (At Brainstorming stage)
1. Encourage Random Acts of Kindness daily
2. Provide quotes for a Better Life at daily announcements
3. Share JASO Anime Peace Movie: September 10 On a Paper Crane
4. Share JASO Anime Peace Movie: September 17: Paper Crane making
5. International Day of Peace : Pinwheels for peace making in Primary and Lower divisions, International Club MD, language and art classes Upper division
6. Plant a tree following ENO School guidelines 100 million trees by 2017
7. Interfaith, intergenerational volunteering at a non-profit on September 11.
8. International Day of Peace chapel speakers (Jeremy, Brannan, etc)
9. Volunteering with STUCO and YAC wherever they select
10. Volunteering at Boys and Girls Club and Britton Elementary
11. Volunteering at Vineyard and Canterbury

Skype with Jeremy Gilley, September 13th, 10:00 a.m. Central Time

Free educational resources:  (Udd....)

YOUTH LEAD OKC Brainstorming
Dear Friends: I am amazed about the work Youth LEAD is doing. Please see the two videos and read the attached information. I look forward to your feedback. Carmen Clay.  and  and read the below information.

1. An introduction to Youth LEAD: Inspiring and mobilizing youth leaders to reflect upon their values and beliefs, connect with others across differences, and act together to address local and global challenges.

2. A summary of trainings:  Training Goals and Objectives: Youth LEAD provides eight day-long skill sessions:

1. Communication (two modules)
2. Facilitation (three modules)
3. Project Management (one module)
4. Mentorship (one module)

Communication Module
Goal: To strengthen respectful communication among youth.
· Actively listen to the life experiences of others
· Respectfully communicate issues relating to their own identity
· Recognize common stereotypes, as well as their own personal stereotypes
· Identify challenges to pluralism in your own community

Managing Difficult Conversations Module
Goal: To learn new ways to respectfully engage in difficult conversations.
· Learn how to craft questions and other communication tools that invite people to communicate something new, rather than the “same old argument”
· Practice using these tools with “real life” examples
· Understand the definition of dialogue
-  Know when it’s helpful to use it
- Learn how it works
- Understand how the goals of dialogue differ from debate or just talking

Facilitation Module
Goal: To learn to facilitate modules and presentations.
· Speak comfortably in front of a group while facilitating activities in a professional manner
· Give and receive feedback in a self-affirming way
· Develop workshop templates and establish goals
· Lead small group discussions
· Use your personal story to connect with your audience

Advanced Facilitation Module
Goal: To learn advanced skills to lead modules.
· Facilitate modules and dialogues with relative ease
· Recognize and handle road blocks or difficult participants
· Give helpful feedback to others and utilize self-reflection

Dialogue Facilitation Module
Goal: To learn facilitation skills to lead structured dialogue.
· Understand facilitator role
· Review dialogue principles and qualities of well-crafted questions
· Practice setting up, running, and de-briefing a dialogue
· Monitor group process

Project Management Module
Goal: To develop skills essential to creating and implementing programs that cultivate pluralism.
· Generate a complete vision
· Create a detailed plan and execute that plan from start to finish
· Monitor progress and generate alternate plans when needed
· De-brief project successes and failures

Mentor Module
Goal: To provide adult mentors with tools to support teens.
· Prepare work plans and other strategic planning tools
· Turn difficult situations or “failures” into growth moments
· Strengthen active listening skills and recognize assets in all youth leaders
· Support the process without controlling the outcome

3. Links to the TIDE conference video  In May,130 people gathered at TIDE 2011, including one teen active in the Orange County Interfaith Youth Forum. He presented a brilliant workshop on Sikhism. Our vision is that teens from all over the country will present workshops, either on their faith tradition, service projects, or other identity related involvement.

I have additional information about program outcomes, including projects created by teens following pilots we conducted on Staten Island, NY and the Islamic Center of New England, but didn't want to overwhelm you with too much information. Let me know if you'd to know what other youth have created after taking part in the trainings.

I look forward to speaking with you again, hopefully with Joan and some youth after you've had a chance to talk together.

Janet Penn, Executive Director, Youth LEAD ~ Youth Leaders Engaging Across Differences,, +1 781-784-0651,
"Reflect, Connect, Act"

Monday, September 5, 2011

YAC: First Meeting of 2011-2012, September 6, B-block and lunch


1. Welcome: Chandler and Zainab, YAC senior chairs welcome 39 students who attended the meeting. They stated that YAC is there to help them find their passion to help the community. They can join existing projects or create their own. Chandler also warned that STUCO will sponsor "a few big projects." Those will be the only projects that will involved the entire school. Mrs. Clay took pictures

2. Introductions: Ongoing members and projects: Green Team YES-Salman; YAC Britton Buddies-Rebekah; Casady Cans Do-Zainab; Knitting for Soldiers-Chandler. Mrs. Clay stated that the 45 hour requirement for graduation should be completed with "attendance to YAC projects," participation in big projects, or doing a personal project.

3. YAC Extreme Makeover. How? Why?  Connections to STUCO: Chandler only mentioned that there will be fewer projects embraced by the whole school. It is still being worked and not at liberty to share details that have not been finalized yet.

Thank you Mrs. Warden for bringing our lunch!

FIRST YAC MEETING, B-block, Woods Community Center. The following YAC students were at lunch at Woods: Rebekah Davis, Judy Hassoun, Caitlin Hendee, Tina Roach, Jessica Greene, Ronda Sutor, Tzu Kreidler, Zainab Shakir, Khadija Hamid (late), Salman Hamid, Christine Luk
We discussed what projects have strong ongoing YAC sponsorship. Besides the above mentioned projects,
Mrs. Clay presented We the World, 11 Days of Unity

We, the world: 11 days of Unity

Peace One Day:;  VIDEOS:

1. Calendar: Projects, Dates, Responsibilities, Connections to STUCO. Chandler and Nicole are working on making a giant calendar. We will add 11 days of unity activities as possible YAC service opportunities, but they will not be embraced by the whole school: September 10: Service at Food Bank (morning), Japan in a suitcase at Casady in the afternoon. September 11: Service at concert, silent auction, and dinner benefiting Buddha Mind Monastery-They helped us with Walk the World OKC 2011.

2. International Day of Peace: Who, what, where, when, why: Khadija arrived late, but stated that she had requested an out of uniform on September 21. She decided to:
a. Make a big sign
b. Maybe make a giant YAC Pinwheel for OCU's contest
c. Work on possible activity if out of uniform is granted. If not, and if her schedule permits it, Khadija will attend the September 8th meeting at OCU. She will also see if she can attend the September 21 Festival at OCU. On the 22, Khadija and Salman will have a few minutes with the Shinnyo-en visitors, if schedules permit it.

3. Peace one day video: We viewed the Truce video

4. Next steps: Agenda for 9/13 meeting: B-block ONLYSkype with Jeremy Gilley at 10:00 a.m. Salman will set it up if it is just for available YAC. There is a possibility that MD might have the skype at chapel??? Mrs. Clay will check final divisional schedules for 9/21 tomorrow

YAC Bulletin board: 

-SeptemberFest at the Governor Mansion. 10:00-4:00 p.m. Shifts available. Contact 557-0198

-Heels for Hope Run needs volunteers and welcomes participants. Event starts at 4:30 p.m. Contact

-Japan in a Suitcase at Casady 2:30-4:30, Fee Theater. Origami crane teachers needed. Contact Mrs. Clay

-Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma: Food packers needed. 9:00-11:00, 1:00-4:00. Contact Mrs. Clay

Sunday, September 11: NATIONAL DAY OF SERVICE, 10th anniversary remembrance

-Interfaith Forum at OU, contact Joan Korenblit, RDF

-Sounds for Peace Benefit Concert, Dinner and Silent Auction: 4 volunteers needed, participants wanted. 2:00-7:00 p.m. Skype conversation; peace, social responsibility and youth leadership by Harvard scholar at noon. Contact Mrs. Clay.  $25 adults, $15 Youth

YAC Invitational: Saturday, August 20, 10-11:30

Attendance: Tsu, Ronda, Zainab, Chandler

a. YAC's role
-Resource to : Use your passion to help the community

b. Clubs Fair
-Zainab and Chandler: Poster
-Chandler: manpowers table
-Tsu: International Day of Peace
-Ronda: Connections to Camp Fire USA

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cbc:; 405-749-3103