We decide to have the YAC Holiday Party next Friday. Hope school activities will permit us to meet. Senior chairs will go shopping for goodies and they are thinking about having a dirty santa gift exchange.
Friday @ 4:00 we will drive to Positive Tomorrows to deliver the fleece blankets we made in October and November. Katie H and Mrs. Clay will deliver them. After Positive Tomorrows, from 5:30-6:30, we will be at Boys and Girls Club mentoring. One mentor's plan is to share WINTER HOLIDAYS with 6-12 year old club members.
One of the unfortunate realities we face it our current times is that Islam and Muslims are often misunderstood and associated with negative rather than positive actions in the media. This report is a step in the right direction and offers a true depiction of American Muslims that I hope will continue to be highlighted in primetime shows like these.
I want to thank you all for your contributions to the Robert L. Craig School in New Jersey. Because of you I will be sending 6 boxes of school supplies as well as $1,240.00 in cash, gift cards and cash!!!
Proposal for a YAC Advocacy Project: International Connections: Poverty and ANTI-bullying
"Hi everyone, I just wanted to show you the blog I started to show off all the social responsibility work we're doing at my school http://ccctes.wordpress.com/and the YouTube Channelhttp://www.youtube.com/user/cccenglishschoool?feature=watch Please let me know what you think, thanks.
Mike Mackenna, Social Responsibility Director @ Colegio de Inglaterra, English School, Bogota,Colombia."
I, Mike Mackenna, mikemack42@gmail.com,as director of CCC Social Responsibility, am very excited to have the chance to share with you the great social responsibility work that our students do. CCC stands for Collaboration, Connection, and Continuity; and we want these aspects to be present in all the social service work we do. The first thing I want to show you is a photo from La Noche Sin Techo, which was Friday, September 21st. In the photo you can see our student leader of the TES project with Techo, Julian, leading a discussion about poverty with the students who came to the event. He has other students so interested in Techo that they’re willing to sit around and discuss poverty on a Friday night. All us teachers should agree on what a great accomplishment that is!
Here's what we're doing in
my classes from Nov-March.
1. 6th grade- researching
issues that cause social isolation (bullying, racism, etc.), writing a
newspaper article and a poem about the issue as individual assignments, then as
a group presenting one of their poems to the whole year group, after which they
lead a discussion about the issue and give a recommendation for a way to take
action about the issue.
2. 7th grade- same as 6th grade,
but they will be focusing on environmental issues in Colombia
3. 8th grade- same as 6th
grade, but they will be focusing on the risks faced by community
leaders/activists (union leaders, journalists, land-rights campaigners, etc.)
in Colombia
Family Volunteer Day is a day of service that demonstrates and celebrates the power of families who volunteer together, supporting their neighborhoods, communities and the world. Due to finals week at the Upper Division, YAC will have a Family Volunteer Night at the LD in December, date TBA after Thanksgiving Break!
The Points of Light Foundtion http://www.pointsoflight.org/ created the Family Volunteer Day 22 years ago to showcase the benefits of family volunteering and provide opportunities for families to help communities create supportive environments for their children and each other.
This year Family Volunteer Day takes place on Nov. 17 and is being sponsored by Disney Friends for Change and powered by generationOn. Family Volunteer Day is strategically held on the Saturday before Thanksgiving to “kick-off” the holiday season with giving and service. It also signals the start of National Family Week, sponsored by the Alliance for Children and Families http://alliance1.org/ and the Annie E. Casey Foundation http://www.aecf.org/.
YAC's connection to Family Volunteer Day is HELPING THE SECOND GRADE FLAT STANLEY SEMET AND SIX GRADER LEXI BROOKS SANDY RELIEF DRIVE. YAC made a PEACE fleece blanket to send to Robert L. Craig School while making blankets for Positive Tomorrows at Woods Community Center on Wednesday, November 14 at 12:30. Volunteers enjoyed a pizza lunch provided by the Service-Learning Program. YAC is also promoting the opportunity to relax in between finals by making cards for Robert L. Craig School at Woods.
Flat Stanley Semet latest report from New Jersey.An article in the newspaper this morning said that although power has been restored to many homes and buildings many still do not have power in the larger apartment buildings. These buildings have had water damage and before the power can actually be turned on the buildings have to be inspected. These people are now going on 17 days without power. We spent the night going through Aunt Deondra’s closet and this morning we took 5 big garage bags of clothing over to a lady that is going to be let into a very hard hit area of New Jersey so she can deliver the clothing to those in need. Stanley Semet here just trying to do my part to help out New Jersey.
There will be two opportunities to volunteer this weekend: Boys and Girls Club on Friday from 4-6 PM where YAC will be making Jersey Shore support cards with the club members. On Saturday, YAC will be at the Food Bank! Shifts are from 9-12 and 1-4. YAC will also encourage Food Bank Volunteers to make support cards for the Jersey Shore. Text 405-520-1325 or e-mail clay@casady.org to join Food Bank volunteers.Please, arrive 15 minutes before, wear appropiate clothing and closed-toe shoes.
Families that volunteer together not only address community social problems, but also strengthen themselves. Volunteering together as a family provides quality time, strengthens family communication and provides opportunities for family members to be role models. http://www.pointsoflight.org/signature-events/family-volunteer-day
3. Fridays at Boys and Girls Club Report: In August, a few club members learned about the Oklahoma Green Team Program from Casady Cyclones. In September, Cyclones shared the International Day of Peace-Peace One day initiative and made Pinwheels for Peace in collaboration with the art club teacher. Cyclones took 100 club pinwheels to the OCU IDP Festival. Thank you Martin, Sophia, Molly, Elizabeth, Conner, and Anne H. for your presence at the Club this month and to Martin and Anne for your facilitation of the Pinwheels for Peace Project. In October, Cyclones tried to start a Green Team, but difficulties with club flooding and lack of wireless internet connection gave Cyclones the opportunity to learn about African dances from club members instead of beginning the Green Team. Thank you Martin, Sophia, Molly, Elizabeth, and Conner for your presence at the club this month. In November, Cyclones taught Spanish and creative movement to younger club members
the first week. Thank you Tina and Sophia for your facilitation of the first day of YAC presence at the Club in November. Cyclones will start the Club Green Team exploration in 2013. 4. Proposal to make a t-shirt quilt to be donated to the CPO Auction in March: Mrs. Clay, Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. Small will facilitate the quilt making. Mrs. Clay has t-shirts from 2011, 2012 and will have 2013 t-shirts.
Agenda and Minutes from November 1 Meeting: Nina, Judy, Nadia, and Anne attended the meeting.Mrs. Clay was away with Chemistry Field Trip on 11/1/2012.
1. NY/NJ Drive? What can we do to help?We are waiting to see what is needed. We contacted the Red Cross. Red Cross suggested to contact the Salvation Army for any drives. Red Cross is accepting only monetary donations. YAC does not have permission to do monetary drives at this time. This could change as the needs are assessed. Mr. Philipson contacted a school in NY and will advise how to proceed after they have a chance to do a needs assessment. Update: We will be helping second graders with Robert L Craig School in New Jersey needs: http://casadycommunityservice-learning.blogspot.com/
2. Fall Fest Report: $55 for Food Bank.Thank you Anne and Martin for manpowering the booth. We received a $500 Donation from Multicultural Club. Caden H. and Mrs. Clay delivered check to Food Bank on Saturday. Multicultural Club might make presentation of Big Check to YAC Tuesday. We surpassed our goal on cans and money!!! Great job, Cyclones, YAC and thank you MCC. 5,779 cans and $1,016.87We took a bite out of Oklahoma Hunger!
3. Warm-4-PT Project: Anne
- Holiday Party?We will follow-up on this after finals. Anne will contact Positive Tomorrows to see what is possible and then contact pertinent administrators for appropiate permissions. At Fall Fest, we received our first order for blankets. Anne will also follow-up with PD and LD directors for family volunteer night at LD first week of December benefiting Positive Tomorrows.
4. Casady Cans Do Project:Thank you cards, reflective essay for blog, delivery of check to Boys and Girls Club Saturday.
YAC Senior Chairs Tabled for next meeting. Only 4 members were at the meeting because of sports and field trips.
5. Kids Care Week and Make a Difference Day-October Volunteering
YAC connected to Kids Who Care national initiative with YAC's big project, Casady Cans Do-Students Against Hunger Food Drive (October 22-26). The YAC senior chairs took the leadership of the project. They created teams of YAC members and friends who motivated Cyclones from all divisions through can costumes, stickers, competitions, and posters advocating helping our Regional Food Bank to take a bite out of Oklahoma Hunger. Casady Can Can Hunger was the inspiring slogan that call the UD students to donate cans and money. UD and LD requested monetary donations. The other divisions concentrated in bringing cans. The Middle Division house competition brought the most cans and the canstruction competition, revived an old Casady tradition at the Upper Division. The final donation from all divisions was 5,779 cans and $1,016.87 with a generous contribution of $500 from the Multicultural Club after Fall Fest.
Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma Statistics
A Story of Hope
Make a Difference Day: A
national day to help others! Purpose:
To inspire and reward volunteers. Everyone who helps others on this day and
submits an entry form is eligible for a national or local award and for a cash
donation to a charitable cause. Every award recipient will appear in USA
WEEKEND Magazine and on makeadifferenceday.com. Website:
Casady Service-Learning, thanks to the Tompkins family, connected to Make a Difference Day joining the volunteers from Buy for Less, OSU nursing school, Westminster Church, and Da Vita Dialysis Centers the morning of October, 27, official National Make a Difference Day. Volunteers framed a home and did exterior painting of two adjacent homes.
Habitat has volunteer opportunities for students 16 years old or older at these homes. All houses are located at Habitat's Hope Crossing Addition. Drive on I-235 and exit on Wilshire heading east to Kelley. Turn North on Kelley Ave. then turn west on N.E. 83rd. Make a right N.E. 84th and drive to Lindsay turn back north until house number 8512. The address of the house that was framed on Make a Difference Day is 8512 N.E. Lindsay. Contact clayc@casady.org, 405-520-1325 to arrange volunteering as a group or visit http://www.centraloklahomahabitat.org/index.php/volunteer to contact the volunteer coordinator for personal opportunities to serve. Wear appropiate clothing and closed-toe shoes. Bring working gloves and refillable water bottle. Training on site starts at 8:00 a.m. and the work day goes on until the job assignment for the day is completed or 4:00 p.m. On Sunday, afternoon, from 3-5 PM, sophomore Chance B. introduced S.A.D.D.Students Against Destructive Decisions to Casady Cyclones. Students played some basketball at the old Thunder Training Facility in Edmond before Chance introduced the purpose of the club and call for ideas for next meetings. Chance's presentation was followed by a pumpkin carvingcontest: "Carving out destructive decisions."
The Casady S.A.D.D. club was registered at the Make a Difference website as the Casady project for Make a Difference Day. Chance stated, "I felt there was a need in my community for the SADD chapter, we are all facing tough decisions, that are not always the popular decisions. Although it is not my comfort zone to step out in front, I felt that if I did that my peers may take notice and really listen."
The Shinnyo-en Foundation has supported the Casady Service-Learning Program and YAC efforts advocating caring communities through kindness and service since 2006.
We have received a summer training, Six Billion Paths to Peace and Be the Peace reflective cards, inspirational visitors on International Day of Peace (9/21/2010 and 2011), and thousands of Six Billion Paths to Peace t-shirts, distributed at Casady and at the annual celebration of the International Day of Peace at Oklahoma City University.