Sunday, November 8, 2009

YAC meetings: November breakfast meeting on Tuesday and E-Day A-Block meeting on Tuesday

YAC Executive Board met for breakfast to discuss agenda for E-Day meeting. Sarah, Josh,and Zainab attended. Vincent came for a few minutes.

YAC Board: Service-Learning Challenge
We are working on making a video, a brochure, and a website to be unveiled during National Volunteer Week in April. The goal of the Challenge is to make volunteering COOL. The video was presented to the YAC members during the A-block on Wednesday. We did not have time to get feedback, but Josh and Sarah will work with Mr. Varela to make the video more professional.

Kathy Zesiger's Project.Sarah presented the need to help Kathy. The following sign-up during the A-block meeting:
Stamping early morning
6:30-7:15: Carmen Clay
7:15-8:00: Josh Ou and Elizabeth Larden

Doughnuts Sales
Early morning: Carmen Clay and any YAC member available - If Kathy wants to sell doughnuts early morning
A-Block: Sasha Bully and Zainab Shakir
Gabby Marion and Sarah Cox are willing to help whenever they are needed, maybe b-block if the middle schools need help.

MLK Day Cecil Ray is leading the initiative to frame a house for Habitat for Humanity. He will be working in collaboration with Habitat for Humanity's Ann Felton 232-4828 and Steve Mush. YAC needs to help with speakers for the week contacting the CEO of the Respect Diversity Foundation.

Challenge 20/20Big Sort Day: Saturday Nov. 14: Food Bank, no tranportation provided
Individual Project Initiatives
Carmen Clay: Peace Festival: YAC 1/2 table: Be the Peace and Six Billion Path to Peace Cards
Math LEED Building: needs volunteers: 6-9 Mrs. Clay volunteers at children's area
Chandler: Xmas Cards and supplies for soldiers: Chandler used funding collected making scarves last year to ship goodies for soldiers with Xmas cards from first graders at Casady.
Braeden: Sweaters for India: YAC will collect sweaters for children in India

Item tabled for future discussion
YAC Open House
YAC Constitution

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