Thursday, January 28, 2010

January memories and YAC Breakfast meeting minutes

1. YAC students need to reflect 2009 projects and activities for transcript hours.
2. YAC Home Group site visits third week in February. YAC facilitators need to remind members of date and get the number of students attending the site visit. Facilitators also need to contact organizations to make sure the date assigned is a good date for the organization to have the group on site. Students should have a project in mind. This is an action site visit. Mrs. Clay suggested students to contact home group members via e-mail, chapel speech, and texting
3. Challenge 20/20 missing an infra red thermometer. Casady YAC missing $20. Safety deposit box will be purchased and office will be closed when Mrs. Clay is not in the office.
4. Quilt has 6 patches ready. When we reach 12 patches, the first quilt will be made. This quilt will be displayed at the Respect Diversity Foundation Exhibit.
5. Mrs. Clay and Challenge 20/20 attended site visit to Green School Pilot Program School, Deer Creek Middle School. Challenge 20/20 will continue to sell water bottles in the middle and lower division. Challenge 20/20 had permission to sell water bottles during the Casady/HH B-game, but decided not to do so because of the sale of water hope t-shirts.
6. YAC will continue to meet on E-Days, A-Block. Debate students need to read the minutes in the block to keep inform. Items will be covered during breakfast meetings also.
7. Next E-Day, A-Block, Home group meet facilitators

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