Wednesday, April 14, 2010

YAC Meeting: April 12: E Day Block A S-L Office

Participants: Braeden, Nicole, Chandler

Stuco, Water Week: YAC should help. We will be buying ice cream or another treat to be distrubed on Friday. Mr. Varela and his class will film "T-shirt stories" during their class time. We will have treats by his office at that time. YAC will borrow video cameras and will film during A and B block. Treats will be distributed to all members.

Friday, April 23 Chapel:
Braeden was going to make the decision about which DVD we needed to show on Friday with help from Nicole and Chandler. LAST MINUTE UPDATE: Mr. Bottomly will be our inspirational speaker on Friday.

Monday April 26 Chapel: We still need a speaker or a DVD selection. LAST MINUTE UPDATE: Mr. Bush is considering talking about his Fair Trade Chocolate project. We will know at the end of this week.

Invitation for YAC Celebration lunch was done after A-Block by Mrs. Clay, Sarah, Zainab, and Braeden.

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