Thursday, December 30, 2010

YAC meeting agenda 1/3/11

Welcome back! Here's our agenda for monday's meeting.
- Making MLK flyers for individual activities/events
-Talk to Devin about movie
-Introductions for MLK speakers
-Chapel announcements about MLK week (presenter and writer needed)
-Report about FedEx day 12/30/10
-Stuffed animal stories (Remembering Sasha)

A-day freshmen/sophomore YAC class meeting series (6 meetings requested, if more needed, YAC members need to talk to pertinent administrators) start 1/4/11 (ideas)
  1. Sweatmonkey setup
  2. YAC re-introduction
  3. Pat Webb Workshop
  4. Mrs. Joan Korenblit Haiku and Mural Workshop (April 4)
  5. More snacks for Boys and Girls club 
  6. Relay for Life (make Sweatmonkey page)
  7. Walk the World (make Sweatmonkey page)
  8. Fundraising for Habitat for Humanity(make Sweatmonkey page)
posted by your friendly neighborhood YAC yaks

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