Tuesday, January 11, 2011

YAC meeting, January 11: Woods CR, B-block

Participants: Johnesha H. It was an out to lunch day and nobody else remembered.
Tomorrow: Dr. Steele: Reshwan, Zainab....Johnesha is waiting to get her voice back. Mrs. Clay will e-mail speeches to Reshwan and Zainab. Johnesha will talk to Reshawn.

Tonight: B-Game Fundraiser: If Johnesha's name is drawn, she will give her best to make the basket and donate the money on behalf of YAC to Stuco and Habitat.

Thursday: Caitlin and maybe Rebecca will introduce Amy Petty

Friday: Caitlin, Aamina and Johnesha(if voice ok, otherwise we will try Alisay to make sure all seniors had an opportunity to speak) will introduce President Robert Henry. Copies of presentation were delivered to Johnesha and Aamina. Mrs. Clay will send a copy to Caitlin via e-mail.

Advertisement of MLK Day opportunities in Chapel:
Johnesha will talk to Caitlin and work a schedule to advertise opportunities personally.

How many YAC members are volunteering at MLK Day? After chapel meeting tomorrow. Johnesha will lead the 1 minute meeting.


Cecil needs to order pizza with help from Mrs. Milligan. We need to remind Mr. Huestis to bring water! Garbage bag to collect plastic water bottles. We need to have a YAC person signing in everyone who wants credit (Johnesha will take care of this). Mrs. Clay will provide sign-in for credit clip boards for every bus. There should be a YAC member taking pictures with personal camera. Mr. Curt Foster said that he would video tape and take pictures. Some YAC member has to remind him.
On Wednesday or Thursday F day after MLK Day during B-block and lunch at the Woods Community Center, Pizza provided by YAC for YAC and debaters, and MCC will provide pizza for 15: 15 debaters were asked to have a forum on the video The Witness. YAC and Multicultural Club will be asked to be the audience. 10 YAC(30), Multicultural Club (10) 55 max. Expected 30, less if on Wednesday

One more speaker-Thursday, a former classmate of Mrs. Clay graduate of Class of 73-74, Joe Williams????

From now to Friday: Mrs. Clay needs to talk to other MLK Day YAC facilitators

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