Thursday, April 12, 2012

National Service Learning Conference: Minneapolis 2012

Blake School YAC - Service, a Path to Peace at Blake School
Casady Delegation at National Service Learning Conference with Nobel Prize Laureate, Shirin Ebadi
Cyclones at Malls of America
Shiva, Salman, Alex, and Mrs. Clay attended. Mrs. Clay stated, "During reflection times we shared what we experienced. Engaging, relevant, not what we expected, inspiring, hopeful were words most often used."

Alex chose workshops to enhance his understanding of service learning in classes of academic rigor.  Salman and Shiva concentrated in workshops about Green Schools and grant writing.  Mrs. Clay explored Youth Thrive, Peace Jam and workshops sponsored by the Shinnyo-en Foundation. The group visited Malls of America during their stay in Minneapolis.

The Shinnyo-en Foundation offered the group an invitation to apply to their grants with concrete projects that have a calendar of activities, concrete goals, process, and expected outcomes.  Projects may benefiting Casady and/or the Oklahoma City community. 

Blake School's director of service learning received the practitioner of the year and the Blake School Youth Service Council in the Upper Division presented their service as a path to peace experience at Blake School.  Salman started text exchanges with a member of the Blake YAC regarding project collaboration with pluralism and green initiatives.
The National Service-Learning Conference is in Denver next year. Salman hopes a bigger group might be able to attend.  Mrs. Clay will ask the Development Office to consider writing a capacity building grant to bring  more teachers to the conference.

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