Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Third breakfast meeting: Service-Learning YAC projects

Students had labs to attend or had been absent with illness and had to make-up work. We could not meet before school. We will attempt to meet when time becomes available this or nect week.

Challenge 20/20 was postponed until Monday: Expected attendance: Mrs. Zesiger, Mrs. Clay, Josh. 7:00 a.m. Jimmy's Egg. Menu: Scambled Eggs, toast, potatoes, coffee, orange juice.

Special Care: Sasha will be attending the Pinwheels for Peace 2009We will have a meeting then.

Native American Stories: Caitlin will come to the office when she has time.

Project Ignition: William is to provide a time and date for a meeting at HH. We have the last Tuesday of the Month as an assigned date.

Agenda:Challenge 20/20, Native American Stories, Special Care, Project Ignition
Goal for projects
Process to obtain goals

YAC and Service-Learnig bulletin boards are up. Computers are in working order and the Pinwheels for Peace project is underway. Thank you to the Art Club, Mr. Riley, Mrs. Seitter, YAC and random students who stopped by the office to make pinwheels. Primary, first and fourth grades will have pinwheels by Friday. Some Spanish classes and all Chinese classes are making pinwheels.

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cbc: clayc@casady.org; 405-749-3103