Sunday, October 4, 2009

Home Groups Yearly Agenda

Home group meet first E-Day of the Month during A-Block at assigned locations S-L office, Harper Wing, Library :
Fun, Food and Friends with a purpose.
Attendance taken to provide hours. Slide shows at

October 6: School related open topic discussions: First marking period, Fall Fest, Homecoming
1. Get to know each other: Ice breakers
2. Facilitators experience with YAC and home group project.
3. What organization does the group want to investigate during the November Investigation site visits?
4. Choose the date of the site visit. November: 9-13. Students leave school at 3:40 from Student Center Parking Lot. They return to Student Center Parking Lot at 6:30. Must wear comfortable clothes, shoes and bring snacks to be shared with the group and at the organization if appropiate!
5. Facilitators will contact organization, arrange transportation, and bring drinks for the group.

Special Care took Nov. 9th, 3:45-6:30. Suburban if only the group goes. Bus if more than 7 students go. Sasha will contact Special Care and made necessary reservations.

Other groups pending decision making. All groups must make decisions by the end of next week.

November 3: School related open topic discussions
1. Expectations of Investigation site visits
2. Who will attend?
3. Group creates rubric (guidelines of interaction) for site visits
4. Group creates reflection/evaluation forms for site visits.
5. Home Group participates in Investigation Site Visits: November: 9-13

December 2: School related open topic discussions
1. Assessment of investigation site visits
2. Planning of February Action Site Visits: February: 16-19. Chose date, create activities, assign responsibilities
3. Discuss: Family/Home Group Volunteering during
a.Holiday Season
b.MLK Day, Monday, January 18, Make a day ON service of a day OFF from school

January 11: School related open topic discussions
1. Revise plans for February Action Site Visits
2. Reflect on holiday season group or family service
3. Revise plans for MLK Day Home Group volunteering
4. Home Group plans for Kindness and Friendship Day (February 14)
5. Home Group participation on MLK Day of Service, January 18

February 5: School related open topic discussions
1. Final details for February Action Site Visits.
2. Creation of rubric of interaction and evaluation forms for Group’s Action Site Visits
3. Reflection on MLK Day of Service
4. Home Groups participation on Kindness and Friendship Day (February 14)
5. Home Groups participates in Action Site Visits:February 16-19

March 5: School related open topic discussions
1. Group reflection of February Action Site Visits
2. Preparation of April Celebration Site Visits, April 4-7. Choose a date, activities, responsibilities, rubic of interaction and reflection and evaluation forms
3. Planning home group end of the year demonstration of learning/ party

April 1: School related open topic discussions
1. Final details for Home Groups participation in Celebration Site Visits
2. Home Groups participate in Celebration Site Visits: April 4-7
3. Home groups plans participation in National Volunteer Week, Earth Day, and Global Youth Service Day

May 7: School related open topic discussions AP exams (History)
1. Home Group reflection on February Action Site Visits
2. Home Groups assessment of National Volunteer Week, Earth Day, and Global Youth Service Day
3. End of the year homegroup demonstration of learning/party

In 2008-2009 Home Groups were called Skills for Action groups.

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