Monday, October 26, 2009

October 26: YAC meeting

New Business
Casady Cans Do ....
Aamina(Start and set-up) and Graham (Finale)
Aamina requested help with the Upper Division from YAC. STUCO volunteers did not show up on Monday morning. We hope everything will go smoother tomorrow.

GALES Help with signs did not materialized today. Mrs. Linn said that maybe tomorrow, but chalk signs will dissapear with the rain. Maybe next year this collaboration will be stronger
Katy Zesiger Fundraiser for Manila Relief
Volunteers to help her on out of uniform day for donations and sale of doughnuts. Mrs. Clay requested YAC students to come after school today to help Katy brainstormed.

Old Business
1. Report on Fall Fest: Vincent stated that we made close to $200 and that there are items for sale still at the Service-Learning Office.
2. Report on Home Groups Nov. 1 is the next home group meeting. Mrs. Clay needs location and date of site visit from all home group coordinators
Monday, Nov. 9: Special Care, Sasha pending to contact organization.
Tuesday, Nov. 10:
Wednesday, Nov. 11: Elderly: Braeden pending to contact the Vineyard and Canterbury
Thursday, Nov. 12
Friday, Nov. 13:
Saturday, Nov. 14: BIG SORT at the Regional Food Bank...also first day to study for exams. Mrs. Clay will not attend the BIG SORT because she will be volunteering at the Peace Festival
Challenge 20/20 Report: Josh talked about the project. Mrs. Clay said that she had sent invitations the join the Challenge 20/20 NING. Josh will have a presentation to school shortly. Meetings are at 7:25 a.m. third Wednesday of the month.
Tomorrow is the last Tuesday of the month: Project Ignition meets for breakfast at 7:25 at the Service-learning office. William has sent a letter to all administrators about bringing Julia to inspire people to act and drive responsibly

Casady Admissions Open House Volunteers needed to be at the office in case students have questions. They can be doing homework as they wait.

Items tabled for next meetingReport on Service-Learning Challenge
Report on Service-Learning Fridays: All documented in blog: Service-Learning, What is it at Casady? International Day of Peace: Pinwheels Stress-Meditation: Inner and Outer Peace
Change in reporting hours to parents
Conferences: There seems to be no interest on conferences this year.

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