Tuesday, December 8, 2009

December Casady YAC Executive board and Home Group Facilitators

Talked to Gabby, Sasha, Josh, Sarah before chapel. After chapel, Braeden,and Johnesha were reached.

1. Home group facilitators were asked if they were part of the Debate Club. If so, they needed to find an alternative time to meet with their home groups. They were also asked to check if their home group kids were part of the Debate Club. If so, a time convenient for all had to be found for meetings.

2. The next site visit is the Week of February 16-18. We are on break the 14 and the 19, Service-Learning will be volunteering at the book fair.
a. Tuesday, February 16: Sasha's group will go to Special Care
b. Wednesday, February 17: Johnesha's group wil go to Boys and Girls Club
c. Thursday, February 18: Gabby's group will go to the Oklahoma Humane Society.
d. Friday, Febraury 19: YAC volunteers at the Book Fair from 3:45-5:30 p.m.
e. Saturday, Febraury 20: Braeden's group might go to Elderly faciliites

3. YAC home group facilitators need to talk to freshmen about the Congressional Award for Service. Sarah believes this is an important conversation that needs to be handle well. Mrs. Clay suggested having the freshman complete the form with short, medium and long term goals as part of the first Home Group Meeting of the year. We might have an open house for that purpose with apple cider in exchange for goals.

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cbc: clayc@casady.org; 405-749-3103