Thursday, October 11, 2012

Minutes of Students Against Hunger meetings: Breakfast and B-block

YAC Senior Chairs, Judy H. Caitlin H. Martin J. and Rebekah D. are creating the process that will inspire all divisions to bring donations of cans and money. The Casady Cans Do Food Drive will be the week of Homecoming and Fall Fest, October 22-26. Please bring money and/or cans and volunteer to help motivate divisions wearing can costumes and counting cans for competitions.

At the Food Bank
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1. Process of the Drive: The drive is the week of homecoming, October 22-26.  The drive will be from Monday to Friday.

Each division has a different process and has a faculty sponsor.  YAC teens heading every division are: UD: Rebekah D. MD: Caitlin H. LD: Valentina and Abby, PD: Judy.  Teens heading each division need to be at the division between 7:00- 7:15 a.m.  They should have cell numbers of their volunteers and remind them their responsibility to help the day before.

Senior YAC chairs are writing the letter to parents and making flyers.  YAC members, volunteering at each division were asked to make posters for their division.  Each division will have a YAC member wearing a can costume to motivate students and parents to donate.  Judy is repairing the can costumes.  To make the posters and raise their own awareness of hunger in Oklahoma, YAC members should read before making posters.  They should also visit the Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma site  We hope YAC members will volunteer at the Food Bank at least once before the drive.  YAC members are encouraged to volunteer at the Food Bank October 27. IT IS MAKE A DIFFERENCE DAY

Each division has a different incentive to motivate students. 

GOAL OF THE DRIVE: BEAT LAST YEAR'S:  5,052 cans +$563.07=5,615.07

a. Upper Division: Responsible Faculty:  Mrs. Clay: Process  Letter/pushpage is due  Tuesday morning.  YAC chairs are finishing writing the letter to parents and students.  There will be a  can sculpture competition on Thursday.  We do not know the prize yet.  On a daily basis, there will be a Food-4-Food competition and ruffle.  The competition is between grades and the winning grade will get to the salad bar first. Accuracy counting cans is a must.  Numbers of cans brought must be e-mailed to coach Warden by 8:30 a.m.  Thank you, Mrs. Warden!  YAC members will be soliciting donations for the daily ruffle.  Mrs. Clay will try to get a doughnut donation.  There is a chapel speaker coming from the Food Bank the Friday before the canned food drive.  We requested Coach Jensen to speak about his experience with school pantry at PC West for football players.
Still TBC:  cheerleaders cheering for the canned food drive? The can can of cans as a YAC Tidbit at chapel.  YAC members helping at different divisions are making posters and flyers for each division.

Senior Chair Responsible: Rebekah
5 cans, $ 5 to compete for being first for food at Calvert.  Daily winners!  Cans are collected daily by Mr. Fresonke's crew by 8:30 a.m. Cans are placed at a Food Bank trailer which arrives on Monday and is taken to the Food Bank where UD donations join donations from all other divisions.  There will be no collection of cans on Thursday.  Friday, cans will be collected after B-block because they will be used in a canstruction competition. The prize for the canstruction competition is TBA.

1 can=1 pound of food. $1=5 meals or 6.5 pounds of food
Goal: Beat 1,139 cans and $563.07  $1=5 meals
Monday 22: 7:15 a.m. Anne J, Abby J
Tuesday 23: 7:15 a.m.Anne J, Abby J
Wednesday 24:  7:15 a.m. Anne J, Abby J
Thursday 25: : 7:15 a.m.Anne J, Abby J  Can sculpture competition at 12:25
Friday: 26: 7:15 a.m. Anne J, Abby J  8:00 a.m. Courtlyn & Christina Z.Can sculpture competition at 12:25

UD Can Sculpture Competition Rules
a. Due to space consideration, only 4 sculptures are possible, one per class.  There is no limit to the number of people in the canstruction teams.  Team members are responsible for bringing all cans and supplies needed to build the structure.   Designs should be turned in to Mrs. Clay by Wednesday at the end of the day.   Construction begins during B-block on Thursday and ends during B-block on Friday.  Winner will be announced at Friday lunch time.  Judges: Available Art and Math Department faculty, Mr. Philipson and Mrs. Warden.


b. Middle Divsion: Responsible Faculty:  Mrs. May  House Competition with out of uniform for winning house.  Needs helpers  counting cans on a daily basis 7: 15-7:45 first shift, 7:45-8:30 second shift.  No stickers needed for this division.
Senior Chair Responsible: Caitlin
Cans are collected daily by Mr. Fresonke's crew by 8:30 a.m. Cans are placed at a Food Bank trailor which arrives on Monday and is taken to the Food Bank with all our donations Friday morning. 
Goal: Beat 2,566 cans
Monday 22: 7:15 a.m. Molly V, Sophia S, Venus Z
Tuesday 23: 7:15 a.m. Namir Khalia
Wednesday 24: 7:15 a.m.
Thursday 25 : 7:15 a.m.
Friday 26: 7:15 a.m.

c. Lower Division: Responsible Faculty:  Mrs. France  They do not have a competition except they like to announce total number of cans brought daily as an incentive to beat their record for the next day.  Mrs. France has some stickers.  Will like to have stickers daily.  They loved Tripp, the dancing can.  Donations increased after his performances.  Teachers send Food Bank bags with flyer October 17.
YAC Teen Responsible: Judy
Goal: Beat: 890 cans
Monday 22: 7:30 a.m. Taylor B., Jessica R., Jessica G, Sidney J.
Tuesday 23: 7:30 a.m.
Wednesday 24:  7:30 a.m. Jessie R. Emily F.
Thursday 25: 7:30 a.m. Molly V., Sophia S      8:00 Carleigh B.
Friday: 26: 7:30 a.m                                            8:00 Nadia Sriajudding

d. Primary Division:  Responsigle Faculty:  Mrs. Sharp:  They love to know the number of cans brought.  We might have a healthy plate poster to teach nutrition and healthy choices.  They love the can costumes.  They also need helpers in can costumes to take their donations in wagons on Thursday at 10:30 and 1:30 weather provided.
YAC Teens Responsible: Valentina and Abby
Goal: Beat 457 cans
Monday 22: 7:30 a.m.
Tuesday 23: 7:30 a.m. Nina P and Clarissa J.
Wednesday 24: 7:30 a.m.
Thursday 25: 7:30 a.m. Nina P. and Clarissa J.
10:30: Walk of Hope:  Delivery of donations on red wagon , weather provided.  Students with off period needed in can costumes.
1:30: Walk of Hope: Delivery of donations on red wagons, weather provided. Students with off period needed in can costumes
Friday: 26: 7:30 a.m

A. Morning:  Habitat for Humanity with the Tompkins
B.  1-4: Afternoon at the Food Bank
C. Homecoming Dance

Kids Cafe of Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma
$1= 5 meals: Click a face to read the story
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Click to read this story
Click to read this story
Click to read this story
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Click to read this story
The Regional Food Bank serves children directly through three programs in its Childhood Hunger Initiative.
Food 4 Kids

Backpack Program

Chronically hungry elementary school ch
Summer Feeding

Summer Feeding

Summer meals for children ages 1-18
ildren receive a backpack with food over weekends and holidays
Kids Cafe

Kids Cafe

An after-school and summer safe haven for at-risk youth

School Pantry School Pantry

A food pantry inside schools for chronically hungry middle and high school students to get food for after school and weekends.


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There will not be supervised service opportunities during the break. Possible volunteer opportunities are:
a. The Food Bank: Shifts 9-12, 1-4
b. Boys and Girls Club at Memorial Park 4:00 - 7:00
c. Habitat for Humanity: Must be 16 years old or older, Friday and Saturday
d. Rebuilding Together: 14 years old or older. Contact volunteer coordinator

The link to places to serve and youth councils will become operational in the website after the break.  You can find, mission, goals, forms and requirement information now at

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