Friday, February 1, 2013

February 1, 2013 Meeting Agenda and minutes


New Business
Items from YAC Chairs
Seniors: Judy, Caitlin, Rebekah, Martin Judy and Rebekah were present.  Rebekah brought Kindness Week to the attention of the board.  Free Hugs on Valentine's Day was the idea most welcomed, but we were all encouraged to be extra nice that day.  Ideas must be cleared with administration.  Rebekah will connect to STUCO, we heard that there are plans for a SWEETS WEEK, but not sure what that is all about.
Juniors: Katie  and other juniors present liked the Free Hugs idea and will help make posters.  Katie also suggested taking doughnuts to firefigthers that day.  A YAC member suggested having breakfast items for the teachers.  Random Acts of Kindness Week is the Week of February 10-16 and the Senior and Junior Chairs will lead the effort.
Sophomores: Jessica, Sidney, Taylor, Jessika, Carleigh, Hunter (late): F-5 Fest or another name at approval stage, but encouraged by acceptance of babysitting for $20 on Auction Day.  Mr. Philipson has to check with other divisions and administrators before approval is grant.  Ideas:  March 1st possible activity, dodgeball tournament, cheer clinic, fashion show.  Students did not seem to understand the meaning of F-5.  Jessica explained and asked for other suggestions ...We will ask for a lunch meeting to finalize details and create committees at divisional levels...Cannot do anything until approval is granted
Freshmen: Ann, Katie No freshman chairs attended.  Mrs. Clay stated that they are working on a project with the elderly.  Looking forward to updates

Old Business
Mrs. Clay's items
1. Service opportunities at Casady Places to Serve Blog. Check the opportunities.  Mrs. Clay left a message at Mrs. Johnson, 427-3068.  Mrs. Johnson continues working with de-clatering.  Abby J.  might call Mrs. Clay to visit the Food Bank this Saturday.

2. Guild of Saint George Collection needs youth leadership.  Mrs. Clay's Study Hall placed flyers around campus.   Mrs. Clay asked for facilitators, but no one volunteered. Jack B. was going to try to get John Z. to take the leadership of this project and make a chapel announcement next week.  Or Tina will make chapel announcement on Tuesday.   An e-mail from Mr. Bright " Ann Zuk and I are planning the Food Drive for the Guild of St. George to go along with the Fat Tuesday Pancake Breakfast again this year.   The collection dates will be Thursday through Monday Feb. 7th to the 11th, and the pancake breakfast will be Tuesday Feb. 12th.  We have designated the Upper Division to collect toiletries again this year.  I am planning to send a push page to upper division students about the collection, and I will set up a collection box in the student center,  In the past we have not had much participation in this from UD students.  We thought perhaps through service learning or student council, some activity or incentive could be given to increase this.  We'd appreciate any support you can give this." 

3. Positive Tomorrows V-Day Cards, goodie bags (Art Club wants to do the decorating.  We will be responsible for getting dental hygiene items and other items in the bags)  We discussed making fleece blankets also.  Carleigh, Cathy, and Hunter will lead the effort  Dental and personal hygiene supplies are ready to be picked-up from Dr. Henderson's office. Ask for Dawn: 947-04-86.  Contact at Positive Tomorrows: Rachel 556-5082.  We need to make the gift bags with personal hygiene supplies and a pair of warm fuzzy socks for every student.  Sizes 5-10  3 pairs for $9.99 at Sams.  Only Cathy followed-up and made a budget of $200 for supplies in bags.  Carleigh stated after the meeting that we have time and personalizing the bags might be a nice touch.  Art Club already started making the cards.  Rachel sent the list of students and shoe sizes.  The delivery of cards and goodie bags with sacks and dental hygiene supplies will be Tuesday, February 12th at 3:00 pm.  YAC chairs with last period off will be able to deliver the cards and goodie bags.  Rachel asked for NO CANDY...they get too many donations of chocolate at this time of the year.

4. 2013 Calendar Game and YAC Chairs initiatives  Bingo game postponed until next week

d. Tabled Items from other meetings
Quilt for Mother's Auction
Colombian Service Connections (School, orphanage)
National Service-Learning Conferences-TIDE

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