Congressional Service Award for Youth
The Congressional Award is the United States Congress' award for young Americans. It is non-partisan, voluntary, and non-competitive. The program is open to all 14- to 23-year-olds.
Participants earn Bronze, Silver and Gold Congressional Award Certificates and Bronze, Silver and Gold Congressional Award Medals.
Each level involves setting goals in four program areas;
Volunteer Public Service, Personal Development, Physical Fitness, and Expedition/Exploration.
Earning the Award is a fun and interesting way to get more involved in something you already enjoy or something you'd like to try for the first time. You move at your own pace - on your own or with your friends. This is not an award for past accomplishments. Instead, you are honored for achieving your own challenging goals.
Regardless of your situation, you can earn the Congressional Award. The Congressional Award has no minimum grade point average requirements. It accommodates young people with special needs or disabilities who are willing to take the challenge.
Goals, The 10 Rules for Achieving Success:
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Friday, December 11, 2009
Project Ignition Update
yay we have flight times!!!! she has chosen on march 4th: 9:35pm departure. and march 6: 6:00am departure. in that case i will go to the airport for pick up drop off so mrs. clay can be bright eyed and bushytailed in the morning. i will be able to drive by then. i will talk to mr. cassell tomorrow with the full flight details. does break work? the cost should be around $350 i think. i am so excited about this!!! thanks!!!
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
YAC November and December memories
A YAC SENIOR CHAIR REFLECTION“Any eighth grade girls interested in learning a Japanese dance go to Madame Taylor’s room after lunch.”
I was the first one in Madame Taylor’s classroom after lunch.
As far as I was concerned my obsession with Japan was just another phase, admittedly inspired by the cartoons the country produced and the cheesy Japanese songs I heard when I played Dance Dance Revolution. Surely it would end in a month or two and I would move on to something else like cooking or computer programming or some other foreign language or culture. I had already been through French, Chinese, Italian, and Hebrew phases.
Today, I still plan on studying Japanese after high school.
That was the first time I met Carmen Clay and Mari Leslie.
The second time I met Carmen was the following summer in a fabric store. My mother had to pick up my brother Michael and didn't want to leave me alone in the house. But I was engaged in such a good book and didn’t want to get off the couch—clearly getting me to come with her was going to be a difficult task. But she managed to do it, and I can hardly imagine where I’d be now if she hadn’t.
Within a few days I found myself in my favorite Chinese restaurant with Carmen and two somewhat familiar faces. At this summer lunch meeting of the Youth and Adult Action and Advisory Council, or YAC as I soon learned it was called, were Luke Cornelson, a Junior that year who had befriended my brother through the cross country team, and Justin Ou, a Senior I only recognized because the incredible resemblance to his slightly annoying brother, who was a year younger than me, and because of his incredible dedication to getting my brother to host a cross country team breakfast during the pre-season. The conversation began with discussions about how to improve YAC for the coming year and how to engage the freshman class to get involved in service.
“Sarah, you’re a freshman, what do you think?”
What was he even talking about? What did I think about what?
“Do you think you can organize your grade into groups that will be willing to come up with a cool project and not fight amongst themselves?”
Why were they asking me to do this? I still had no idea what they were talking about.
But I went along with it.
Around that time I received a letter from the school’s orchestra director. The orchestra was going to China that year to perform in three cities during spring break.
By the time school started that year I had recruited one of my best friends Robert Clements, a much more vocal and to-the-point person than I was, into YAC. Together we organized what we thought were good clusters of freshmen into groups facilitated by older students in an attempt to engage as many of them as we could in service. The result: four groups of freshmen all going to the Boys and Girls Club to play with kids, many for the sole purpose of having an “easy project” with little planning or effort on their part. I was and still am all for supporting the Boys and Girls Clubs of America, but where there is no passion there is no purpose to even the most seemingly selfless actions.
Fall came and passed, and it was time to begin planning the annual Martin Luther King Day of service. This time every year is when opportunities for service, learning, and service learning become more abundant than usual. It was during this time that I happened to be in Mrs. Clay’s office for some random reason when I was asked to look at an e-mail.
“I think you would be very interested in this…”
She was right, the description of the competition had caught my attention, given my love of many cultures and my still-present obsession with Japan. The instructions were something along the lines of “create an art piece that promotes cultural diversity in your area.” The organization in charge of all of this was the Respect Diversity Foundation. Through this foundation I met Joan Korenblit. Joan was and still is one heck of an inspiration.
Shortly after I decided to enter the competition Joan took me to see past art pieces created for the same purpose. “Your goal is to create something like these,” she told me, pointing at the different works of art created by students and adults alike. Eventually she made it to her favorite piece. I don’t remember much about the piece except that it had mandalas, round pieces of wood painted to portray certain messages in certain foreign cultures, hanging off the bottom of it.
“Doves are a symbol of peace,” I muttered to myself. I began envisioning a stained-glass dove carrying an olive branch flying through glass shards of color. But only the eyes can interact with mere images, and since ending discrimination was a major goal of this project, why discriminate against the other senses? Shouldn’t we be able to touch the feathers, to hear the soft and proud wings of peace? And those mendalas are absolutely breathtaking…
Not that I actually thought anything I ever created would mean anything, would ever inspire anyone to stop and think about their lives any differently.
I had a vision of what my peace dove would look like, and I had an artist friend who showed me how I could actually put it together. He cut a block of Styrofoam into the shape of a bird and, with enormous amounts of help from some friends, began layering the base with paper mache and gluing on the feathers. It looked like a real dove, but I still wanted those mandalas on there somewhere!
While at Hobby Lobby the day after the final feather was added I noticed some unpainted mandalas and ribbon of a thousand colors.
There was no way I was going to be able to incorporate sound into this dove anyway. But if people couldn’t hear the wings soaring, why not let them hear people’s thoughts about peace? They wouldn’t actually hear anything except their own chatter of course. But that would be fine. The written word echoes even through death.
I brought the ribbons, mandalas, colorful paint and Sharpies the next time my freshman cluster went to the Boys and Girls Club.
The process was messy but my objective was met: the kids at the Boys and Girls Club said they wanted to do something artistic, so I let them paint the wooden star-shaped mandalas however they wanted, with whatever colors they chose. Many of them wanted to use every color they could get their hands on, because they insisted that their star would never be beautiful if each color wasn’t represented. How wise children can be. Some of the kids didn’t want to paint but they wanted to practice writing words and sentences. I told them to write on the ribbons what they thought about peace. The ribbons were glued to the mandalas and attached to the wings and belly of the dove. A rainbow was forming under the dove. I repeated the process with young kids from my own school, my peers in high school, my friends from other schools, and some people in the general public. Eventually the dove was soaring over a true rainbow of color and ideas.
The Beauty of Diversity, as I later called it, was never entered in that contest, but it was displayed at the Respect Diversity Foundation’s exhibit in the Science Museum Oklahoma, formerly called the Omniplex. I still call it the Omniplex because the name seems more engaging. I’m told that large crowds surrounded Beauty the duration of the opening night, but I was too busy admiring the works of other students to notice.
Spring break finally arrived. The orchestra went to China, but stopped briefly in Tokyo on the way there to change planes. In the thirty minutes I sat in that airport painfully hauling my giant viola case, my obsession with Japan became full-fledged love.
Over the following weeks I received e-mail notices from Joan that Beauty would become a part of the Foundation’s traveling exhibit, with my permission of course. I granted permission, wondering why that piece would be chosen for any exhibit beyond the initial display of all of the art pieces submitted that year. I’m told
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
A Retreat's Reflection
I arrived at the Marconi Center not having the slightest clue what to expect.
I also didn’t know that just over forty-eight hours, particularly a one-hour block of time spent merely staring and a timeless and seemingly endless experience that others have assured me was no longer than forty-five minutes, could completely change my outlook on life.
Within five minutes of being at the Marconi Center, five minutes of breathing the pine-filled air, five minutes of examining the bell-like poppies, five minutes of gazing at the ocean, all of the stress that not only constantly surrounds me but follows—no, chases, pursues me wherever I go, simply melted away, surrounding my feet but not being able to touch me. I had always known that school was not, contrary to popular belief, the purpose of our lives (and that one’s education is actually hindered by trying too hard to excel at it), but I had never been able to truly feel it until that first breath of pine-air.
The first thing we all did after marveling at our heavenly living quarters for longer than expected was explore the place, since we were several hours early to the retreat and honestly had nothing better to do (actually, I can’t think of anything I would rather have been doing at the time) only to discover the reason our bedrooms were so heavenly: we were, in fact, in some lower level, some earthly level, of Heaven. I would be glad to go further into the beauty of this place if you happen to have the floor-plan for Heaven with you right now. Otherwise it would take too long, and since my name isn’t John Steinbeck I won’t pester you with the details.
Along our journey two things stuck out as particularly incredible to me. The first was a miniature multi-tiered waterfall reminiscent of a Japanese garden in all its divinity. The other was a redwood tree. I never could find that tree again, although it did change the life of at least one other person at the retreat.
Later on that night when the other sixty-some-odd people arrived, we were split into nine “Home Groups”, each consisting of retreat-goers between the ages of fifteen and eighty-five. None of us will ever know how, but the “random” assignment of people to their respective Home Groups somehow managed to give each person at the retreat the perfect group of people to help them evolve spiritually.
I awoke unnaturally early the next morning and decided to walk around the Marconi Center on my own. Noticing only the plants, rocks, chipmunks and jackrabbit, but most certainly not where I was actually going, I found myself back at the waterfall. I decided to sit down on a rock on its bank and, as I so often do when I really don’t know what else to do, I just stared. I stared at the water. I am not confident in my ability to describe things without drawing them so bear with me: the top of the waterfall is of course just a clear pool. After the first fall the water is allowed to flow freely for a short ways, but is soon interrupted by small boulders that block part of its path. It is then free to flow a short distance until it falls down another waterfall. This continues for several tiers, the layers of rock becoming increasingly denser, making it more difficult for the water to pass through, but somehow it always does. But right before the last fall, there are no rocks. Instead there is a sheet of tall grass, like small stalks of bamboo. Certainly no insect or hummingbird that was on the water was able to see over the grass without flying above it. And over that last fall is a large, open, clear pool, where the water may flow as it pleases. And as I stared at the water I noticed bubbles forming at the top of the first fall, and I noticed that some of the bubbles flowed down the first waterfall, while some went the other way, and simply disappeared with a small pop. And I noticed that most, but not all, of the bubbles that made it down the first waterfall made it past the first set of rocks to the next waterfall, and most of the ones that fell down it continued to the next, until only a few of the original bubbles made it past the reeds to that final pool; and as I noticed these things I realized that this was all a metaphor for life: we are but bubbles in a fountain, and in order to make it to that final pool at the end, we must all find a way around the rocks and falls that block us, until we finally reach, at the end of each lifetime, the curtain of reeds, and the uncertainty of what lies beyond, and we must not be afraid of it, but instead we must—
I had just missed an incredible (or so I’m told) banana pancake breakfast.
As wonderful as the rest of that day was, I wish only to bring up an unknown quantity of time (though I know it was more than twenty minutes and less than three hours) spent sitting on a rock in between two forest paths where I had followed a chipmunk and two jackrabbits. My original intent for sitting on the rock was to observe the behavior of the two wild jackrabbits, for I often think of myself as a scientist and naturally am curious about many things, especially since the behavior of jackrabbits is not something easily observable in the heart of Oklahoma City. Eventually the jackrabbits left, and I was left grass and twigs on the ground, the rock I was contentedly sitting on, and two young trees to the left of the rock. I was bored, so I picked up a twig and tossed it between the trees. A recently-finished spider-web caught the twig in midair, and I watched as my inner child gaped in absolute wonder at the twig that could make itself fly. I tossed more twigs next to it, and there they were, standing in midair parallel to the trunks of the trees as the child marveled at what magic could possibly be at work here. And suddenly my heart became a metronome, and everything began to harmonize with it, though I could hear no sound but the occasional conversation between far-away sparrows. This is what I will define forever as “inner peace”.
The eighty or so people at the Retreat were to go through the Labyrinth in two waves, and I was in the second wave. I decided I’d go into the room with the Labyrinth while the first wave was going through just to see what exactly was going on. I’d had a crazy obsession with hot tea the whole weekend, so it came as no surprise to me that when I walked into the circular room containing the Labyrinth, the first thing I thought was that the room looked oddly like the cup or orange spice tea I was drinking at the time. Then I noticed the people. The people in the room were either sitting calmly, not saying anything and maybe drinking a cup of hot tea, or they were on the Labyrinth, walking or dancing along, completely unaware of their surroundings, each engaged in their own form of meditative movement. Outside of this room, any of these people would have been labeled a freak or an outcast by any other “normal” person, but not inside of it. Inside everyone’s inner mind seemed to surface and take over, and the body of each person was no longer under their conscious control.
And all I could do was watch and wonder what exactly this thing on the floor in front of me was that was causing these people to act like this.
The last person in the first wave left the room, and the spaces on the walls had filled with an entirely new group of people, the second wave of meditators.
“Welcome to the Labyrinth. Going through the Labyrinth is a form of meditation known to provide answers to those who seek answers, questions to those who seek answers, and answers to those who seek questions.” All three applied to me. “When I tap you on the shoulder, you may proceed into the Labyrinth. All I ask is that you stay within the path and not run into others. Now….we begin.”
After finishing the remains of my tea I entered the Labyrinth. The music playing sounded like the orange spice tea tasted, if that makes any sense. As I walked, I wondered what I was even doing there. After some unknown amount of time (it could have been a few seconds or an hour as far as I was concerned), my mind began to wander into a complex stream of something deeper than thought, or perhaps it just felt that way. I was suddenly aware of nothing but the inner workings of my mind, yet at the same time completely aware of everything in the room, the floor, the music, the people, and I was completely aware of the fact that we were all dancing like the steam on top of a hot cup of tea, not in unison but still somehow together, connected somehow by the environment the room created for us, connected, even though we were all perfect strangers.
The rest has been omitted for personal reasons.
I also didn’t know that just over forty-eight hours, particularly a one-hour block of time spent merely staring and a timeless and seemingly endless experience that others have assured me was no longer than forty-five minutes, could completely change my outlook on life.
Within five minutes of being at the Marconi Center, five minutes of breathing the pine-filled air, five minutes of examining the bell-like poppies, five minutes of gazing at the ocean, all of the stress that not only constantly surrounds me but follows—no, chases, pursues me wherever I go, simply melted away, surrounding my feet but not being able to touch me. I had always known that school was not, contrary to popular belief, the purpose of our lives (and that one’s education is actually hindered by trying too hard to excel at it), but I had never been able to truly feel it until that first breath of pine-air.
The first thing we all did after marveling at our heavenly living quarters for longer than expected was explore the place, since we were several hours early to the retreat and honestly had nothing better to do (actually, I can’t think of anything I would rather have been doing at the time) only to discover the reason our bedrooms were so heavenly: we were, in fact, in some lower level, some earthly level, of Heaven. I would be glad to go further into the beauty of this place if you happen to have the floor-plan for Heaven with you right now. Otherwise it would take too long, and since my name isn’t John Steinbeck I won’t pester you with the details.
Along our journey two things stuck out as particularly incredible to me. The first was a miniature multi-tiered waterfall reminiscent of a Japanese garden in all its divinity. The other was a redwood tree. I never could find that tree again, although it did change the life of at least one other person at the retreat.
Later on that night when the other sixty-some-odd people arrived, we were split into nine “Home Groups”, each consisting of retreat-goers between the ages of fifteen and eighty-five. None of us will ever know how, but the “random” assignment of people to their respective Home Groups somehow managed to give each person at the retreat the perfect group of people to help them evolve spiritually.
I awoke unnaturally early the next morning and decided to walk around the Marconi Center on my own. Noticing only the plants, rocks, chipmunks and jackrabbit, but most certainly not where I was actually going, I found myself back at the waterfall. I decided to sit down on a rock on its bank and, as I so often do when I really don’t know what else to do, I just stared. I stared at the water. I am not confident in my ability to describe things without drawing them so bear with me: the top of the waterfall is of course just a clear pool. After the first fall the water is allowed to flow freely for a short ways, but is soon interrupted by small boulders that block part of its path. It is then free to flow a short distance until it falls down another waterfall. This continues for several tiers, the layers of rock becoming increasingly denser, making it more difficult for the water to pass through, but somehow it always does. But right before the last fall, there are no rocks. Instead there is a sheet of tall grass, like small stalks of bamboo. Certainly no insect or hummingbird that was on the water was able to see over the grass without flying above it. And over that last fall is a large, open, clear pool, where the water may flow as it pleases. And as I stared at the water I noticed bubbles forming at the top of the first fall, and I noticed that some of the bubbles flowed down the first waterfall, while some went the other way, and simply disappeared with a small pop. And I noticed that most, but not all, of the bubbles that made it down the first waterfall made it past the first set of rocks to the next waterfall, and most of the ones that fell down it continued to the next, until only a few of the original bubbles made it past the reeds to that final pool; and as I noticed these things I realized that this was all a metaphor for life: we are but bubbles in a fountain, and in order to make it to that final pool at the end, we must all find a way around the rocks and falls that block us, until we finally reach, at the end of each lifetime, the curtain of reeds, and the uncertainty of what lies beyond, and we must not be afraid of it, but instead we must—
I had just missed an incredible (or so I’m told) banana pancake breakfast.
As wonderful as the rest of that day was, I wish only to bring up an unknown quantity of time (though I know it was more than twenty minutes and less than three hours) spent sitting on a rock in between two forest paths where I had followed a chipmunk and two jackrabbits. My original intent for sitting on the rock was to observe the behavior of the two wild jackrabbits, for I often think of myself as a scientist and naturally am curious about many things, especially since the behavior of jackrabbits is not something easily observable in the heart of Oklahoma City. Eventually the jackrabbits left, and I was left grass and twigs on the ground, the rock I was contentedly sitting on, and two young trees to the left of the rock. I was bored, so I picked up a twig and tossed it between the trees. A recently-finished spider-web caught the twig in midair, and I watched as my inner child gaped in absolute wonder at the twig that could make itself fly. I tossed more twigs next to it, and there they were, standing in midair parallel to the trunks of the trees as the child marveled at what magic could possibly be at work here. And suddenly my heart became a metronome, and everything began to harmonize with it, though I could hear no sound but the occasional conversation between far-away sparrows. This is what I will define forever as “inner peace”.
The eighty or so people at the Retreat were to go through the Labyrinth in two waves, and I was in the second wave. I decided I’d go into the room with the Labyrinth while the first wave was going through just to see what exactly was going on. I’d had a crazy obsession with hot tea the whole weekend, so it came as no surprise to me that when I walked into the circular room containing the Labyrinth, the first thing I thought was that the room looked oddly like the cup or orange spice tea I was drinking at the time. Then I noticed the people. The people in the room were either sitting calmly, not saying anything and maybe drinking a cup of hot tea, or they were on the Labyrinth, walking or dancing along, completely unaware of their surroundings, each engaged in their own form of meditative movement. Outside of this room, any of these people would have been labeled a freak or an outcast by any other “normal” person, but not inside of it. Inside everyone’s inner mind seemed to surface and take over, and the body of each person was no longer under their conscious control.
And all I could do was watch and wonder what exactly this thing on the floor in front of me was that was causing these people to act like this.
The last person in the first wave left the room, and the spaces on the walls had filled with an entirely new group of people, the second wave of meditators.
“Welcome to the Labyrinth. Going through the Labyrinth is a form of meditation known to provide answers to those who seek answers, questions to those who seek answers, and answers to those who seek questions.” All three applied to me. “When I tap you on the shoulder, you may proceed into the Labyrinth. All I ask is that you stay within the path and not run into others. Now….we begin.”
After finishing the remains of my tea I entered the Labyrinth. The music playing sounded like the orange spice tea tasted, if that makes any sense. As I walked, I wondered what I was even doing there. After some unknown amount of time (it could have been a few seconds or an hour as far as I was concerned), my mind began to wander into a complex stream of something deeper than thought, or perhaps it just felt that way. I was suddenly aware of nothing but the inner workings of my mind, yet at the same time completely aware of everything in the room, the floor, the music, the people, and I was completely aware of the fact that we were all dancing like the steam on top of a hot cup of tea, not in unison but still somehow together, connected somehow by the environment the room created for us, connected, even though we were all perfect strangers.
The rest has been omitted for personal reasons.
December Casady YAC Executive board and Home Group Facilitators
Talked to Gabby, Sasha, Josh, Sarah before chapel. After chapel, Braeden,and Johnesha were reached.
1. Home group facilitators were asked if they were part of the Debate Club. If so, they needed to find an alternative time to meet with their home groups. They were also asked to check if their home group kids were part of the Debate Club. If so, a time convenient for all had to be found for meetings.
2. The next site visit is the Week of February 16-18. We are on break the 14 and the 19, Service-Learning will be volunteering at the book fair.
a. Tuesday, February 16: Sasha's group will go to Special Care
b. Wednesday, February 17: Johnesha's group wil go to Boys and Girls Club
c. Thursday, February 18: Gabby's group will go to the Oklahoma Humane Society.
d. Friday, Febraury 19: YAC volunteers at the Book Fair from 3:45-5:30 p.m.
e. Saturday, Febraury 20: Braeden's group might go to Elderly faciliites
3. YAC home group facilitators need to talk to freshmen about the Congressional Award for Service. Sarah believes this is an important conversation that needs to be handle well. Mrs. Clay suggested having the freshman complete the form with short, medium and long term goals as part of the first Home Group Meeting of the year. We might have an open house for that purpose with apple cider in exchange for goals.
1. Home group facilitators were asked if they were part of the Debate Club. If so, they needed to find an alternative time to meet with their home groups. They were also asked to check if their home group kids were part of the Debate Club. If so, a time convenient for all had to be found for meetings.
2. The next site visit is the Week of February 16-18. We are on break the 14 and the 19, Service-Learning will be volunteering at the book fair.
a. Tuesday, February 16: Sasha's group will go to Special Care
b. Wednesday, February 17: Johnesha's group wil go to Boys and Girls Club
c. Thursday, February 18: Gabby's group will go to the Oklahoma Humane Society.
d. Friday, Febraury 19: YAC volunteers at the Book Fair from 3:45-5:30 p.m.
e. Saturday, Febraury 20: Braeden's group might go to Elderly faciliites
3. YAC home group facilitators need to talk to freshmen about the Congressional Award for Service. Sarah believes this is an important conversation that needs to be handle well. Mrs. Clay suggested having the freshman complete the form with short, medium and long term goals as part of the first Home Group Meeting of the year. We might have an open house for that purpose with apple cider in exchange for goals.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Project Ignition Breakfast Meeting
The project ignition meeting on Tuesday dealt with who is going to do what for Julia's arrival.
Molly is going to deliver a speech a few weeks before Julia's chapel talk to have people order the project ignition t-shirts.
The week before Julia's speech Garner and Molly are going to deliver a speech about the driver safety week.
And then I will make the introductory speech when Julia is there. William and Rachel are going to meet her at the airport and Parker will make some welcome signs.
Schedule for Julia Sewell stay in OKC Heritage and Casady
Friday: February 26th
- Announcement made by Garner Gentry in Chapel at casady about the week following
-Announcement made by (person) during Break at Heritage about the week following
(Flyers will be finished and put up by this date)
Monday: March 1st
- Announcement made by (person) welcoming everyone to teen driver safety week! at both schools
- T-shirts will be passed out(order forms will be passed out two weeks before this date and returned one week before this date).
-Info booth at both schools
Tuesday: March 2nd
-Bean bag toss game fundraiser at Casady
-Bake sale fundraiser at Heritage
- Info booth at both schools
Wednesday: March 3rd
-Possible short educational video about safe driving(Must be purchased)
- Info booth at both schools
Thursday: March 4th
-Bake sale fundraiser at Casady
-Info booth at both schools
-Julia arrives after 8pm(Mrs. Clay will be providing transportation)
Friday: March 5th
-Out of dress code w/ purchase of a shirt
-Breakfast/welcome party with all who are interested(this can be a time for all sturdent to meet Julia)
- Julia speaks at Casady (8am-8:25am)
-Julia speaks at Heritage (10:10am-10:40am)
- Bean bag toss fundraiser at Heritage(10:40am-11:10am)
- Info booth at Both Schools
- Lunch at place Mrs. Clay mentioned who's name escapes me right now (Casady kids: Block-b through lunch, Heritage kids: 12:00pm-12:40pm)
- Mrs. Clay tours Julia Around OKC
-Dinner at Museum cafe(If someone would like to suggest something else feel free to do so)
-All Members of PI are invited(Hoping to have more money by then, every body pays for them selves)
Fr. Blizzard we need to confirm that Julia can Speak during Chapel on March 5, 2010. Please Confirm. Thanks!
saturday: March 6th
- Breakfast with all who are interested(Location TBA)
- William Clements Tours julia around more of OKC(With all who are interested)
- Lunch at Pizza INN(Family Tradition)(With all who are interested)(please bring money)
-William Clements Tours julia around more of OKC(With all who are interested)
**-Possible final dinner(Any suggestions?)
**- Overnight at Casady School
Sunday: March 7th
-Flight home Time TBA
Molly is going to deliver a speech a few weeks before Julia's chapel talk to have people order the project ignition t-shirts.
The week before Julia's speech Garner and Molly are going to deliver a speech about the driver safety week.
And then I will make the introductory speech when Julia is there. William and Rachel are going to meet her at the airport and Parker will make some welcome signs.
Schedule for Julia Sewell stay in OKC Heritage and Casady
Friday: February 26th
- Announcement made by Garner Gentry in Chapel at casady about the week following
-Announcement made by (person) during Break at Heritage about the week following
(Flyers will be finished and put up by this date)
Monday: March 1st
- Announcement made by (person) welcoming everyone to teen driver safety week! at both schools
- T-shirts will be passed out(order forms will be passed out two weeks before this date and returned one week before this date).
-Info booth at both schools
Tuesday: March 2nd
-Bean bag toss game fundraiser at Casady
-Bake sale fundraiser at Heritage
- Info booth at both schools
Wednesday: March 3rd
-Possible short educational video about safe driving(Must be purchased)
- Info booth at both schools
Thursday: March 4th
-Bake sale fundraiser at Casady
-Info booth at both schools
-Julia arrives after 8pm(Mrs. Clay will be providing transportation)
Friday: March 5th
-Out of dress code w/ purchase of a shirt
-Breakfast/welcome party with all who are interested(this can be a time for all sturdent to meet Julia)
- Julia speaks at Casady (8am-8:25am)
-Julia speaks at Heritage (10:10am-10:40am)
- Bean bag toss fundraiser at Heritage(10:40am-11:10am)
- Info booth at Both Schools
- Lunch at place Mrs. Clay mentioned who's name escapes me right now (Casady kids: Block-b through lunch, Heritage kids: 12:00pm-12:40pm)
- Mrs. Clay tours Julia Around OKC
-Dinner at Museum cafe(If someone would like to suggest something else feel free to do so)
-All Members of PI are invited(Hoping to have more money by then, every body pays for them selves)
Fr. Blizzard we need to confirm that Julia can Speak during Chapel on March 5, 2010. Please Confirm. Thanks!
saturday: March 6th
- Breakfast with all who are interested(Location TBA)
- William Clements Tours julia around more of OKC(With all who are interested)
- Lunch at Pizza INN(Family Tradition)(With all who are interested)(please bring money)
-William Clements Tours julia around more of OKC(With all who are interested)
**-Possible final dinner(Any suggestions?)
**- Overnight at Casady School
Sunday: March 7th
-Flight home Time TBA
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Casady YAC Challenge 20/20 states purpose
Hello, we are Casady's Challenge 20/20 group, we have been discussing and promoting the Challenges in High Noon, and we have come an an conclusion of selling reusable aluminum water bottles to reduce the average number of plastic bottles in our recycling bins from 200 each week to 100 or less by the end of the year. We were wondering if we could use NAIS' Logo on our school bottles to promote NAIS and Challenge 20/20. We were also wondering if we could receive a small stipend from NAIS on each bottle, to help fund the bottles distributed throughout our high-school and possible all the lower-divisions.
The profits from water bottle sales will be used to purchase a toolkit which includes instruments to measure the amount of electricity used when an item that is not in use is left plugged in, the quality of the air in any given location, etc. This toolkit will allow Challenge 20/20 to pinpoint the places where very simple changes can greatly affect the overall quality of Casady's campus in terms of the environment, which can cut energy costs and enhance the learning of students.
Josh OU
As you may have heard, the Challenge 20/20 student group is going to sell Bisphenol A (BPA)-free reusable aluminum water bottles in order to reduce the amount of plastic waste produced by Casady students.
1) Our goal is to have full participation in every grade.
2) The water bottles will be personally engraved with whatever WORDS or name the student wishes to engrave (15 characters max)
3) There will be a $12 charge to the bookbill for each bottle purchased.
4) When a student uses one of the bottles, they are reducing the amount of plastic waste that they normally produce. It is also healthier/safer to use these BPA-free water bottles because they do not leech carcinogens into the contained liquids like other bottles do.
5) The profits from water bottle sales will be used to purchase a toolkit which includes instruments to measure the amount of electricity used when an item that is not in use is left plugged in, the quality of the air in any given location, etc. This toolkit will allow Challenge 20/20 to pinpoint the places where very simple changes can greatly affect the overall quality of Casady's campus in terms of the environment, which can cut energy costs and enhance the learning of students.
A picture of what the bottles will look like is on the flyers that you'll find on your lockers.
The profits from water bottle sales will be used to purchase a toolkit which includes instruments to measure the amount of electricity used when an item that is not in use is left plugged in, the quality of the air in any given location, etc. This toolkit will allow Challenge 20/20 to pinpoint the places where very simple changes can greatly affect the overall quality of Casady's campus in terms of the environment, which can cut energy costs and enhance the learning of students.
Josh OU
As you may have heard, the Challenge 20/20 student group is going to sell Bisphenol A (BPA)-free reusable aluminum water bottles in order to reduce the amount of plastic waste produced by Casady students.
1) Our goal is to have full participation in every grade.
2) The water bottles will be personally engraved with whatever WORDS or name the student wishes to engrave (15 characters max)
3) There will be a $12 charge to the bookbill for each bottle purchased.
4) When a student uses one of the bottles, they are reducing the amount of plastic waste that they normally produce. It is also healthier/safer to use these BPA-free water bottles because they do not leech carcinogens into the contained liquids like other bottles do.
5) The profits from water bottle sales will be used to purchase a toolkit which includes instruments to measure the amount of electricity used when an item that is not in use is left plugged in, the quality of the air in any given location, etc. This toolkit will allow Challenge 20/20 to pinpoint the places where very simple changes can greatly affect the overall quality of Casady's campus in terms of the environment, which can cut energy costs and enhance the learning of students.
A picture of what the bottles will look like is on the flyers that you'll find on your lockers.
Project Ignition finalizes plans for March
Awareness of Teen Driver Safety Week, led by William Clements from HH and Andrew Young from Casady. Final schedule forthcoming, December 1.
MLK Day of Service: Plans begin

Cecil, Mr. Huestis, Mr. Pena and Coach Bonfiglio met with Mrs. Clay and Mr. Steve Moush from Habitat for Humanity.
On January 18, MLK Day, students will have the opportunity to frame a house. All supplies, guidelines, and supervision will be provided by Habitat for Humanity in collaboration with Casady coaches from winter sports teams.
Cecil will handle food for volunteers, releases of liability, permissions, t-shirts, etc as part of his Skills For Action Service-Learning course.
Habitat for Humanity will provide opportunities for students 14-16 away from framing. Only students 16 years old and older are able to be part of the framing crew.
The framing of the house will take place in the morning. Sport teams will be able to have practice in the afternoon.
Home groups are considering offering opportunities also during MLK Day.
Sasha will handle Respect Diversity Foundation Speakers the Week before MLK Day.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Katy's Project, S-L Friday Nov 13, Pets HG SV,Saturday Nov 14 Volunteering
Saturday Nov. 14 Volunteering Opportunities Supervision by Mrs. Clay, Volunteers must provide own transportation
Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma: BIG SORT DAY, Students Against Hunger Regional Food Bank Youth Board Citywide food drive. Mrs. Clay on site 9-11
Peace Festival at the Civic Center Hall of Mirrors: YAC has a 1/2 table. Give away ShinnyoEn Foundation cards. Mrs. Clay on site 11:30 - 3:00
Okcity Scape at Penn Square: Help children and yourself enhance your spatial intelligence building with legos. Casady needs 15-50 students to volunteer from Nov. 14 to Jan. 3. Register at Mrs. Clay on site from 6:00-9:00 p.m.
Last Service-Learning Fridays Session
Meditation by Rachel
Roots of service trees- finish activity

The roots: your values
The trunk: What ever you want it to be
The fruits: Your acts of service based on your values
Hands on Service: Who? What? When? Where? Why? How? of the service experience in student's hands. Process to follow: IPARC (Investigation, Planning, Action, Reflection, Celebration-Food with demonstration of learning to YAC) Documentation must be completed if hours are to be placed on transcript. Documentation found at the Casady website or by e-mailing Mrs. Clay

Presidential Award for Service: Under Age 14: 50 hours Bronce pin. Age 15 or older 100 hours. Check for details and to create an hours log online.

Home Groups Report: Low participation. Group members had conflicts with sports and asking for help from teacher for final exams
Multiple Intelligences (MI): Briefly discussed. Students encouraged to take the online test to find their strenghts at Online tests for secundary: Choose the language, take the test, print the results of your strenghts and areas to develop


Multiple Intelligences
Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma: BIG SORT DAY, Students Against Hunger Regional Food Bank Youth Board Citywide food drive. Mrs. Clay on site 9-11
Peace Festival at the Civic Center Hall of Mirrors: YAC has a 1/2 table. Give away ShinnyoEn Foundation cards. Mrs. Clay on site 11:30 - 3:00
Okcity Scape at Penn Square: Help children and yourself enhance your spatial intelligence building with legos. Casady needs 15-50 students to volunteer from Nov. 14 to Jan. 3. Register at Mrs. Clay on site from 6:00-9:00 p.m.
Last Service-Learning Fridays Session
Meditation by Rachel
Roots of service trees- finish activity

The roots: your values
The trunk: What ever you want it to be
The fruits: Your acts of service based on your values
Hands on Service: Who? What? When? Where? Why? How? of the service experience in student's hands. Process to follow: IPARC (Investigation, Planning, Action, Reflection, Celebration-Food with demonstration of learning to YAC) Documentation must be completed if hours are to be placed on transcript. Documentation found at the Casady website or by e-mailing Mrs. Clay

Presidential Award for Service: Under Age 14: 50 hours Bronce pin. Age 15 or older 100 hours. Check for details and to create an hours log online.

Home Groups Report: Low participation. Group members had conflicts with sports and asking for help from teacher for final exams
Multiple Intelligences (MI): Briefly discussed. Students encouraged to take the online test to find their strenghts at Online tests for secundary: Choose the language, take the test, print the results of your strenghts and areas to develop


Multiple Intelligences
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Julia Sewell Confirmed guest speaker for Project Ignition, March 5
E.M.P.I.R.E.'s founder and President, Julia Sewell, has been a motivational speaker and performer for the past 9 years. Julia Sewell is a 21-year-old from Minneapolis. She is a Senior at Augsburg College in Minnesota, studying psychology. She is
an actress, a model, a motivational speaker, and a published poet.
She started her work in service at 10 years old. She began volunteering at soup kitchens, homeless shelters, and with community organizations. Her passion for service and to be apart of change continued to grow. She attended the National Youth Leadership Training and became involved with the National Youth Leadership Council(NYLC). From here on out, she also became apart of their entity and started presenting at various conference, the first of which was the Ryan White Conference for HIV/AIDS. Julia served on the Youth Performance Companies' youth artists board(2006-2007) and is the founding Vice President of Umoja Academy, an organization that her and a friend began. Through this organization, they target and provide programming for at risk youth in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Julia served as a member of State Farm's Youth Advisory Board 2007-2008 where she helped to give out $5 million worth of monies to service-learning projects across the country. She was selected to serve on the America’s Promise Alliance Youth Partnership Team and still serves on their IMPACT Network Steering Committee. Julia recently became a Bonner Scholar at her college. Julia is also a McNair Scholar. Through this program, she has completed her research on definitions of success and how these differ among black and white young men.
Leadership has always been in her heart. At age 14, Julia was selected to be apart of the inaugural group in the Youth Leaders International Program. This program gathered the top leaders from all across the globe(Russia, Africa, Australia, etc) and brought them together to create strategies for leadership within the local and National context. Julia was apart of this program for 3 years and traveled to France and Great Britain on the programs behalf. She was also selected to attend the Inaugural Clinton Global Initiative in New Orleans, LA where Bill Clinton spoke and gave advice about global leadership and how we as youth can work to be apart of this initiative. As a result, Julia now serves as a campus representative for the organization. Performing has always been in her blood. Julia began acting at age 5 and she hasn't stopped since! Julia began to combine her love for the stage with her passion for change. Julia became involved in plays whose messages were educational and was apart of tours and educational films that were produces. Julia is now a sought after speaker and performer and performs at conferences, events, programs, and ceremonies. She recently performed at the 2009 National Service Learning Conference. Julia has currently performed and spoken at more than 100 conferences, events, and venues.
Julia began E.M.P.I.R.E. to continue to serve her world as a speaker and performer but also to offer other young people, around the country, with this opportunity. Julia is passionate about helping people to find their arts, hone them and to use them to motivate change in their communities and world.
an actress, a model, a motivational speaker, and a published poet.
She started her work in service at 10 years old. She began volunteering at soup kitchens, homeless shelters, and with community organizations. Her passion for service and to be apart of change continued to grow. She attended the National Youth Leadership Training and became involved with the National Youth Leadership Council(NYLC). From here on out, she also became apart of their entity and started presenting at various conference, the first of which was the Ryan White Conference for HIV/AIDS. Julia served on the Youth Performance Companies' youth artists board(2006-2007) and is the founding Vice President of Umoja Academy, an organization that her and a friend began. Through this organization, they target and provide programming for at risk youth in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Julia served as a member of State Farm's Youth Advisory Board 2007-2008 where she helped to give out $5 million worth of monies to service-learning projects across the country. She was selected to serve on the America’s Promise Alliance Youth Partnership Team and still serves on their IMPACT Network Steering Committee. Julia recently became a Bonner Scholar at her college. Julia is also a McNair Scholar. Through this program, she has completed her research on definitions of success and how these differ among black and white young men.
Leadership has always been in her heart. At age 14, Julia was selected to be apart of the inaugural group in the Youth Leaders International Program. This program gathered the top leaders from all across the globe(Russia, Africa, Australia, etc) and brought them together to create strategies for leadership within the local and National context. Julia was apart of this program for 3 years and traveled to France and Great Britain on the programs behalf. She was also selected to attend the Inaugural Clinton Global Initiative in New Orleans, LA where Bill Clinton spoke and gave advice about global leadership and how we as youth can work to be apart of this initiative. As a result, Julia now serves as a campus representative for the organization. Performing has always been in her blood. Julia began acting at age 5 and she hasn't stopped since! Julia began to combine her love for the stage with her passion for change. Julia became involved in plays whose messages were educational and was apart of tours and educational films that were produces. Julia is now a sought after speaker and performer and performs at conferences, events, programs, and ceremonies. She recently performed at the 2009 National Service Learning Conference. Julia has currently performed and spoken at more than 100 conferences, events, and venues.
Julia began E.M.P.I.R.E. to continue to serve her world as a speaker and performer but also to offer other young people, around the country, with this opportunity. Julia is passionate about helping people to find their arts, hone them and to use them to motivate change in their communities and world.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Home groups Investigational Site Visits
Challenge 20/20 to Keystone Adventure and Farm School
Josh, Sarah, Deric, Katie, Ritt, Katie Z, Mrs. Zesiger, Mr. Reynolds, Mrs. Linn, Mrs. Clay. Details and reflections at Challenge 20/20 blog: It was a great visit and ideas are now flowing to develop partnerships with the LD for community gardens and energy conservation. There is a strong commitment to be proactive raising awareness of plastic convenience usage of water bottles, and reduction of carbon footprint efforts
Respect Diversity Home Group: Zainab and Eliza visited with CEO of Respect Diversity Foundation at the Service-Learning Office. Zainab said that the visit was productive.
Special Care Home Group Site Visit
Sasha, Ali,Justin,Caitlin H, and Sarah attended. Hayley and Molly were absent.
Elderly Home Group Site Visit cancelled without explanation from participants. Thank you Braeden for all your work purchasing snacks for the site visit and contacting all the organizations.
Peace Jam at Boys and Girls Club
Josh, Sarah, Deric, Katie, Ritt, Katie Z, Mrs. Zesiger, Mr. Reynolds, Mrs. Linn, Mrs. Clay. Details and reflections at Challenge 20/20 blog: It was a great visit and ideas are now flowing to develop partnerships with the LD for community gardens and energy conservation. There is a strong commitment to be proactive raising awareness of plastic convenience usage of water bottles, and reduction of carbon footprint efforts
Respect Diversity Home Group: Zainab and Eliza visited with CEO of Respect Diversity Foundation at the Service-Learning Office. Zainab said that the visit was productive.
Special Care Home Group Site Visit
Sasha, Ali,Justin,Caitlin H, and Sarah attended. Hayley and Molly were absent.
Elderly Home Group Site Visit cancelled without explanation from participants. Thank you Braeden for all your work purchasing snacks for the site visit and contacting all the organizations.
Peace Jam at Boys and Girls Club
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Multiple Intelligences Inventory/surveys

The following is a list of these intelligences as identified by Howard Gardner:
1. Linguistic Intelligence - language, speech, reading, and writing.
2. Logical-Mathematical Intelligence - this intelligence is found in the confrontation with the world of objects. Through the manipulation of the objects one works into the realm of pure abstraction which is science and logic.
3. Spatial Intelligence - the capacity to perceive the visual world accurately-to transform, modify, and recreate aspects of one's visual world.
4. Bodily-Kinesthetic - the ability to think in movement-one who is skilled with one's body.
5. Musical Intelligence - the ability to think in sound-to hear without auditory stimuli-to be able to manipulate and combine elements of music without necessarily expressing them on a musical instrument.
6. Interpersonal Intelligence - the capacity to notice and make distinctions among other individuals-how you relate to others.
7. Intrapersonal Intelligence - the knowledge of self-the ability to draw upon your own feelings to guide your own behavior.
8. Naturalist Intelligence - the appreciation of the natural world of the natural world.
9. Existentialist Intelligence - the appreciation of context of where humankind stands in the "big picture" of existence. This intelligence is seen in the discipline of philosophy.
Online tests for secundary: Choose the language, take the test, print the results of your strenghts and areas to intentionally develop
Inventory for adults:
YAC meetings: November breakfast meeting on Tuesday and E-Day A-Block meeting on Tuesday
YAC Executive Board met for breakfast to discuss agenda for E-Day meeting. Sarah, Josh,and Zainab attended. Vincent came for a few minutes.
YAC Board: Service-Learning Challenge
We are working on making a video, a brochure, and a website to be unveiled during National Volunteer Week in April. The goal of the Challenge is to make volunteering COOL. The video was presented to the YAC members during the A-block on Wednesday. We did not have time to get feedback, but Josh and Sarah will work with Mr. Varela to make the video more professional.
Kathy Zesiger's Project.Sarah presented the need to help Kathy. The following sign-up during the A-block meeting:
Stamping early morning
6:30-7:15: Carmen Clay
7:15-8:00: Josh Ou and Elizabeth Larden
Doughnuts Sales
Early morning: Carmen Clay and any YAC member available - If Kathy wants to sell doughnuts early morning
A-Block: Sasha Bully and Zainab Shakir
Gabby Marion and Sarah Cox are willing to help whenever they are needed, maybe b-block if the middle schools need help.
MLK Day Cecil Ray is leading the initiative to frame a house for Habitat for Humanity. He will be working in collaboration with Habitat for Humanity's Ann Felton 232-4828 and Steve Mush. YAC needs to help with speakers for the week contacting the CEO of the Respect Diversity Foundation.
Challenge 20/20Big Sort Day: Saturday Nov. 14: Food Bank, no tranportation provided
Individual Project Initiatives
Carmen Clay: Peace Festival: YAC 1/2 table: Be the Peace and Six Billion Path to Peace Cards
Math LEED Building: needs volunteers: 6-9 Mrs. Clay volunteers at children's area
Chandler: Xmas Cards and supplies for soldiers: Chandler used funding collected making scarves last year to ship goodies for soldiers with Xmas cards from first graders at Casady.
Braeden: Sweaters for India: YAC will collect sweaters for children in India
Item tabled for future discussion
YAC Open House
YAC Constitution
YAC Board: Service-Learning Challenge
We are working on making a video, a brochure, and a website to be unveiled during National Volunteer Week in April. The goal of the Challenge is to make volunteering COOL. The video was presented to the YAC members during the A-block on Wednesday. We did not have time to get feedback, but Josh and Sarah will work with Mr. Varela to make the video more professional.
Kathy Zesiger's Project.Sarah presented the need to help Kathy. The following sign-up during the A-block meeting:
Stamping early morning
6:30-7:15: Carmen Clay
7:15-8:00: Josh Ou and Elizabeth Larden
Doughnuts Sales
Early morning: Carmen Clay and any YAC member available - If Kathy wants to sell doughnuts early morning
A-Block: Sasha Bully and Zainab Shakir
Gabby Marion and Sarah Cox are willing to help whenever they are needed, maybe b-block if the middle schools need help.
MLK Day Cecil Ray is leading the initiative to frame a house for Habitat for Humanity. He will be working in collaboration with Habitat for Humanity's Ann Felton 232-4828 and Steve Mush. YAC needs to help with speakers for the week contacting the CEO of the Respect Diversity Foundation.
Challenge 20/20Big Sort Day: Saturday Nov. 14: Food Bank, no tranportation provided
Individual Project Initiatives
Carmen Clay: Peace Festival: YAC 1/2 table: Be the Peace and Six Billion Path to Peace Cards
Math LEED Building: needs volunteers: 6-9 Mrs. Clay volunteers at children's area
Chandler: Xmas Cards and supplies for soldiers: Chandler used funding collected making scarves last year to ship goodies for soldiers with Xmas cards from first graders at Casady.
Braeden: Sweaters for India: YAC will collect sweaters for children in India
Item tabled for future discussion
YAC Open House
YAC Constitution
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Service-Learning Fridays: 8th session
Thinking about one value in my Roots of Service Tree: Diversity
Carefully Taught to hate and fear
Answering a question: A person of social conscience in the area of diversity
Carefully Taught to embrace diversity
E Pluribus Unum: out of many, one
The Peace Tree movie trailer- A little bit more FOOD for Thought on the value/principle of "understanding diversity"
Respect for diversity is not only a HUMAN concern: What is our convenience doing to our oceans? The garbage patch
Class of 201s, some of their favorite songs
Macy Miller: Give me your eyes:
7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens Recommendation: The man in the mirror---
Double: Trip to PD to make recycle ornaments or do a peace walk and create a celebration time for Service-Learning Fridays
Take the MI Test and make MI bracelets.
Carefully Taught to hate and fear
Answering a question: A person of social conscience in the area of diversity
Carefully Taught to embrace diversity
E Pluribus Unum: out of many, one
The Peace Tree movie trailer- A little bit more FOOD for Thought on the value/principle of "understanding diversity"
Respect for diversity is not only a HUMAN concern: What is our convenience doing to our oceans? The garbage patch
Class of 201s, some of their favorite songs
Macy Miller: Give me your eyes:
7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens Recommendation: The man in the mirror---
Double: Trip to PD to make recycle ornaments or do a peace walk and create a celebration time for Service-Learning Fridays
Take the MI Test and make MI bracelets.
Second Home Groups meetings
Breakfast meetings: Average attendance
A-Block meetings: Average attendance, facilitators mostly following directives, but not creating activities of their own.
Investigational Site Visits Nov 9-13
HOME GROUP INVESTIGATIONAL SITE VISITS NEXT WEEK. Bus transportation provided, priority freshmen and new students, other interested students welcomed. 3 hours of service-learning credit! Contact YAC facilitator or Mrs. Clay if interested. Bus leaves at 3:45 from the Student Center Parking Lot and returns at 6:30 to the same location. Students excused from sports the day of their site visit. Wear comfortable shoes and clothing. Bring snacks!
Monday, November 9,2009: CHALLENGE 20/20 HOME GROUP- YAC facilitator: JOSH OU- Keystone Adventure School, Keystone Adventure School: 216-5400, 19201 N Western Ave, Edmond
Tuesday, Nov 10,2009: SPECIAL CARE HOME GROUP- YAC Facilitator: SASHA BULLY- Special Care:, Special Care: 12201 N. Western Ave.Oklahoma City, OK 73114 Ph: 405-752-5112, Fax: 405-752-8963
Wednesday Nov. 11, 2009: ELDERLY HOME GROUP – YAC facilitator: BRAEDEN JENKINS--PEACE JAM, MUSICIANS INC POSSIBLE, Statesman Club, Retirement Community: Vineyard:, 775-9009,10401 Vineyard Blvd. Oklahoma City, OK 73120, The Fountains at Canterbury:, 751-3600, 1404 NW 122nd Street,Oklahoma City, OK, 73114
Thursday Nov 12, 2009: PEACE JAM/ ALL IN ONE HOME GROUPS- YAC facilitators: JOHNESHA HAWKINS. D.J. WOOD- Boys and Girls Club OKC:, Boys and Girls Memorial Park Club: 3535 N. Western Ave. Oklahoma City, OK 73118, (405) 521-9292, A. Jaye Johnson - Unit Director
Friday Nov 13, 200, 2009: PETS GROUP, Oklahoma Humane YAC Facilitator: GABBY MARION- Oklahoma Humane Society Adoption Center: 7500 N. Western Ave.Oklahoma City, OK 73116 405.286.1229.
MUSICIANS INC HOME GROUP-YAC Facilitators: Ronnie Garcia, Vincent Peng. Supervised by Miss Bornhoft 4:00 – 5:00 Students provide own transportation, Andrew Johnson Elementary , 1810 Sheffield Rd.Oklahoma City, OK 73120,phone: (405) 843-6216, fax: (405) 841-3114, Principal - Karen V. Simpkins
A-Block meetings: Average attendance, facilitators mostly following directives, but not creating activities of their own.
Investigational Site Visits Nov 9-13
HOME GROUP INVESTIGATIONAL SITE VISITS NEXT WEEK. Bus transportation provided, priority freshmen and new students, other interested students welcomed. 3 hours of service-learning credit! Contact YAC facilitator or Mrs. Clay if interested. Bus leaves at 3:45 from the Student Center Parking Lot and returns at 6:30 to the same location. Students excused from sports the day of their site visit. Wear comfortable shoes and clothing. Bring snacks!
Monday, November 9,2009: CHALLENGE 20/20 HOME GROUP- YAC facilitator: JOSH OU- Keystone Adventure School, Keystone Adventure School: 216-5400, 19201 N Western Ave, Edmond
Tuesday, Nov 10,2009: SPECIAL CARE HOME GROUP- YAC Facilitator: SASHA BULLY- Special Care:, Special Care: 12201 N. Western Ave.Oklahoma City, OK 73114 Ph: 405-752-5112, Fax: 405-752-8963
Wednesday Nov. 11, 2009: ELDERLY HOME GROUP – YAC facilitator: BRAEDEN JENKINS--PEACE JAM, MUSICIANS INC POSSIBLE, Statesman Club, Retirement Community: Vineyard:, 775-9009,10401 Vineyard Blvd. Oklahoma City, OK 73120, The Fountains at Canterbury:, 751-3600, 1404 NW 122nd Street,Oklahoma City, OK, 73114
Thursday Nov 12, 2009: PEACE JAM/ ALL IN ONE HOME GROUPS- YAC facilitators: JOHNESHA HAWKINS. D.J. WOOD- Boys and Girls Club OKC:, Boys and Girls Memorial Park Club: 3535 N. Western Ave. Oklahoma City, OK 73118, (405) 521-9292, A. Jaye Johnson - Unit Director
Friday Nov 13, 200, 2009: PETS GROUP, Oklahoma Humane YAC Facilitator: GABBY MARION- Oklahoma Humane Society Adoption Center: 7500 N. Western Ave.Oklahoma City, OK 73116 405.286.1229.
MUSICIANS INC HOME GROUP-YAC Facilitators: Ronnie Garcia, Vincent Peng. Supervised by Miss Bornhoft 4:00 – 5:00 Students provide own transportation, Andrew Johnson Elementary , 1810 Sheffield Rd.Oklahoma City, OK 73120,phone: (405) 843-6216, fax: (405) 841-3114, Principal - Karen V. Simpkins
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
October 30: Service-Learning Fridays
1. Reflection on Hunger in America/Hunger in Oklahoma/
Casady Cans Do: Food Bank Students Against Hunger Youth Board Project
Number of Hours: 3
Investigation and Planning: Administrative approval: All division directors, Mrs. May, You tube: Hunger in America, Tell Me Why Song, Food Bank and Chicken a la King Video, Inspirational video sent by Kaija. Collaborations between Students Against Hunger of Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma Youth Board (Graham Bennett), YAC (Aamina/Graham/Mrs. Clay/Board), STUCO(Mr. Pena-Officers), GALES (Mrs. Linn-Lindsey) YAC-Challenge 20/20 costumes, YAC money collection cans, Food Bank Boxes and tatoos
Action: YAC, STUCO and GALES signs around school. All school donations. Chapel,chapel and daily announcements, STUCO Activities. Personal donations
Reflection: Informal: Ongoing, Formal: Today
Celebration: Nov. 14: BIG SORT: 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
---Conflict: Study for exams and Mrs. Clay must attend the Peace Festival in the afternoon
2. Exploring the Roots of Service
a. What is service? A combination of both the external actions we take in the world, and the internal motivations that drive our actions. Service can give us the experience of learning, growing, transforming and living our fullest possible life, but this is an ongoing, daily practice. If we keep our intention focused on serving others, in the end it is likely that life will turn out to give us great meaning and joy. The true reward in this process of serving is helping other people shine, even when it is not immediately visible to us. When this is achieved, we receive the deep gift of joy that can sustain our service for many, many years.
b. Harmony with yourself: Imagine yourself as a tree
The branches, leaves, flowers and fruit: Represent the outcomes of other-centered actions (in other words, service). They represent the specific ways in which you bring greater joy, harmony and energy to the world. Like many types of trees, we as people grow and blossom in different ways. We are different sizes, we bloom at different times of the year, with varying growing periods and many different types of flowers and fruit. Some have no buds and others take several seasons to bloom.
The Roots:(Below the surface)Represent the inner dimensions of service – the attitudes, beliefs and values. These submerged, invisible dimensions of service are usually developed early in life through our experiences in our families, and religious, social, and cultural institutions. Often, they are unconscious until something inspires us to investigate ourselves more deeply.
The Trunk:Represents the way in which the fruit and roots are connected. Inside the trunk, sap flows from the root systems up to the most distant bud to feed its growth. Our consciousness about the connections between our roots and fruit help us to act with purity and energy.
Double: Side Walk Chalk thank you to Casady students from the Food Bank Students Against Hunger with results. Thank you to YAC/STUCO/GALES from Class of 2013
Monday, October 26, 2009
October 26: YAC meeting
New Business
Casady Cans Do ....
Aamina(Start and set-up) and Graham (Finale)
Aamina requested help with the Upper Division from YAC. STUCO volunteers did not show up on Monday morning. We hope everything will go smoother tomorrow.
GALES Help with signs did not materialized today. Mrs. Linn said that maybe tomorrow, but chalk signs will dissapear with the rain. Maybe next year this collaboration will be stronger
Katy Zesiger Fundraiser for Manila Relief
Volunteers to help her on out of uniform day for donations and sale of doughnuts. Mrs. Clay requested YAC students to come after school today to help Katy brainstormed.
Old Business
1. Report on Fall Fest: Vincent stated that we made close to $200 and that there are items for sale still at the Service-Learning Office.
2. Report on Home Groups Nov. 1 is the next home group meeting. Mrs. Clay needs location and date of site visit from all home group coordinators
Monday, Nov. 9: Special Care, Sasha pending to contact organization.
Tuesday, Nov. 10:
Wednesday, Nov. 11: Elderly: Braeden pending to contact the Vineyard and Canterbury
Thursday, Nov. 12
Friday, Nov. 13:
Saturday, Nov. 14: BIG SORT at the Regional Food Bank...also first day to study for exams. Mrs. Clay will not attend the BIG SORT because she will be volunteering at the Peace Festival
Challenge 20/20 Report: Josh talked about the project. Mrs. Clay said that she had sent invitations the join the Challenge 20/20 NING. Josh will have a presentation to school shortly. Meetings are at 7:25 a.m. third Wednesday of the month.
Tomorrow is the last Tuesday of the month: Project Ignition meets for breakfast at 7:25 at the Service-learning office. William has sent a letter to all administrators about bringing Julia to inspire people to act and drive responsibly
Casady Admissions Open House Volunteers needed to be at the office in case students have questions. They can be doing homework as they wait.
Items tabled for next meetingReport on Service-Learning Challenge
Report on Service-Learning Fridays: All documented in blog: Service-Learning, What is it at Casady? International Day of Peace: Pinwheels Stress-Meditation: Inner and Outer Peace
Change in reporting hours to parents
Conferences: There seems to be no interest on conferences this year.
Casady Cans Do ....
Aamina(Start and set-up) and Graham (Finale)
Aamina requested help with the Upper Division from YAC. STUCO volunteers did not show up on Monday morning. We hope everything will go smoother tomorrow.
GALES Help with signs did not materialized today. Mrs. Linn said that maybe tomorrow, but chalk signs will dissapear with the rain. Maybe next year this collaboration will be stronger
Katy Zesiger Fundraiser for Manila Relief
Volunteers to help her on out of uniform day for donations and sale of doughnuts. Mrs. Clay requested YAC students to come after school today to help Katy brainstormed.
Old Business
1. Report on Fall Fest: Vincent stated that we made close to $200 and that there are items for sale still at the Service-Learning Office.
2. Report on Home Groups Nov. 1 is the next home group meeting. Mrs. Clay needs location and date of site visit from all home group coordinators
Monday, Nov. 9: Special Care, Sasha pending to contact organization.
Tuesday, Nov. 10:
Wednesday, Nov. 11: Elderly: Braeden pending to contact the Vineyard and Canterbury
Thursday, Nov. 12
Friday, Nov. 13:
Saturday, Nov. 14: BIG SORT at the Regional Food Bank...also first day to study for exams. Mrs. Clay will not attend the BIG SORT because she will be volunteering at the Peace Festival
Challenge 20/20 Report: Josh talked about the project. Mrs. Clay said that she had sent invitations the join the Challenge 20/20 NING. Josh will have a presentation to school shortly. Meetings are at 7:25 a.m. third Wednesday of the month.
Tomorrow is the last Tuesday of the month: Project Ignition meets for breakfast at 7:25 at the Service-learning office. William has sent a letter to all administrators about bringing Julia to inspire people to act and drive responsibly
Casady Admissions Open House Volunteers needed to be at the office in case students have questions. They can be doing homework as they wait.
Items tabled for next meetingReport on Service-Learning Challenge
Report on Service-Learning Fridays: All documented in blog: Service-Learning, What is it at Casady? International Day of Peace: Pinwheels Stress-Meditation: Inner and Outer Peace
Change in reporting hours to parents
Conferences: There seems to be no interest on conferences this year.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Service-Learning Fridays: Seventh Session-Friday,October 23
1. Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma Video; History of the Food Bank and Programs: 7:04 minutes VIDEO Fighting Hunger, Feeding Hope
2. What can I do to raise awareness and sensitivity for the hunger challenge in our city
3. How can we help Aamina, Graham, YAC, STUCO and Gales the week of October 26-30: Casady Cans Do Students Against Hunger Food Drive?
4. Hunger= Stress
Focusing on a solution and our contribution=Hope, Being the change we want to see
Meditation and Peace = Tree of Service continues during the double.
FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Hunger in Oklahoma
500,000 Oklahomans are at-risk of going hungry every day.
Oklahoma's DHS reports that one in every three children in Oklahoma received food stamps for at least one month in the last year.
One in five Oklahoma children is at risk for hunger on a daily basis.
According to the Oklahoma Task Force on Hunger, the percentage of people classified as food insecure has risen from 13.4 percent to 14.6 percent.
Thanks to partner agencies, donors, volunteers and advocates, there is hope.
For every $1 donated, the Regional Food Bank is able to return over $14 worth of food to the community. That's 7 meals for each dollar!
The Regional Food Bank's administrative and fundraising costs are less than 5 percent.
The Regional Food Bank distributes enough food to feed more than 63,600 hungry Oklahomans each week – yet there are still thousands going without food.
During fiscal year 2009, the Regional Food Bank distributed over 28.5 million pounds of food and products to hungry Oklahomans in 53 central and western counties. Since its inception in 1980, the Regional Food Bank has distributed 321 million pounds of food and product.
The majority of those served by the Regional Food Bank are the working poor, seniors and children. According to the 2006 Hunger Study:
79 percent of all clients are food insecure and 44 percent are experiencing hunger
34 percent of clients at emergency food providers are children under 18 years of age
24 percent of households served by the Food Bank have a member over 65 years of age
35 percent of client households have one or more adults working
$11,440 is the average annual income of all households receiving food
66 percent of clients are female; 34 percent are male
Among client households with children, 32 percent are single-parent households
56 percent of adult clients skip meals because there is not enough money for food
Clients have to choose between buying food and paying for other necessities: 42 percent must choose between utilities or food; 33 percent must choose to pay rent or mortgage or buy food; 33 percent must choose to buy medicine or food; 41 percent of clients report that one or more household members are in poor health; and 55 percent of clients have unpaid medical or hospital bills.
58 percent of pantries, kitchens and shelters reported that there had been an increase since 2001 in the number of clients who come to their emergency food program sites.
88 percent of pantries, kitchens and shelters served by the Food Bank say that losing the food they receive from the Food Bank would have a significant or devastating effect on their programs
1:53 minutes Inspirational video Announcement
53 seconds VIDEO: Please help:
2 minutes VIDEO: Food-4-KIDS Program:
First Week of November: Sign-up for BIG SORT day, Saturday, November 14. We can sort cans with volunteers from community organizations who receive them.
BIG SORT DAY 2008: 1.52 minutes video: Aamina Skakir is in the video. SHE PARTICIPATED IN THE BIG SORT DAY LAST YEAR:
A variety of videos at the Food Bank can be found at
Calling filmmakers ages 25 or under: MAKE A VIDEO ABOUT FACES OF HUNGER IN AMERICA: HELP RAISE AWARENESS AND MAYBE win $10,000 in cash and prizes.
Sample video 1. 02 minutes: Faces of Hunger in America:
ANOTHER SAMPLE VIDEO: Chicken a la Carte:
2. What can I do to raise awareness and sensitivity for the hunger challenge in our city
3. How can we help Aamina, Graham, YAC, STUCO and Gales the week of October 26-30: Casady Cans Do Students Against Hunger Food Drive?
4. Hunger= Stress
Focusing on a solution and our contribution=Hope, Being the change we want to see
Meditation and Peace = Tree of Service continues during the double.
FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Hunger in Oklahoma
500,000 Oklahomans are at-risk of going hungry every day.
Oklahoma's DHS reports that one in every three children in Oklahoma received food stamps for at least one month in the last year.
One in five Oklahoma children is at risk for hunger on a daily basis.
According to the Oklahoma Task Force on Hunger, the percentage of people classified as food insecure has risen from 13.4 percent to 14.6 percent.
Thanks to partner agencies, donors, volunteers and advocates, there is hope.
For every $1 donated, the Regional Food Bank is able to return over $14 worth of food to the community. That's 7 meals for each dollar!
The Regional Food Bank's administrative and fundraising costs are less than 5 percent.
The Regional Food Bank distributes enough food to feed more than 63,600 hungry Oklahomans each week – yet there are still thousands going without food.
During fiscal year 2009, the Regional Food Bank distributed over 28.5 million pounds of food and products to hungry Oklahomans in 53 central and western counties. Since its inception in 1980, the Regional Food Bank has distributed 321 million pounds of food and product.
The majority of those served by the Regional Food Bank are the working poor, seniors and children. According to the 2006 Hunger Study:
79 percent of all clients are food insecure and 44 percent are experiencing hunger
34 percent of clients at emergency food providers are children under 18 years of age
24 percent of households served by the Food Bank have a member over 65 years of age
35 percent of client households have one or more adults working
$11,440 is the average annual income of all households receiving food
66 percent of clients are female; 34 percent are male
Among client households with children, 32 percent are single-parent households
56 percent of adult clients skip meals because there is not enough money for food
Clients have to choose between buying food and paying for other necessities: 42 percent must choose between utilities or food; 33 percent must choose to pay rent or mortgage or buy food; 33 percent must choose to buy medicine or food; 41 percent of clients report that one or more household members are in poor health; and 55 percent of clients have unpaid medical or hospital bills.
58 percent of pantries, kitchens and shelters reported that there had been an increase since 2001 in the number of clients who come to their emergency food program sites.
88 percent of pantries, kitchens and shelters served by the Food Bank say that losing the food they receive from the Food Bank would have a significant or devastating effect on their programs
1:53 minutes Inspirational video Announcement
53 seconds VIDEO: Please help:
2 minutes VIDEO: Food-4-KIDS Program:
First Week of November: Sign-up for BIG SORT day, Saturday, November 14. We can sort cans with volunteers from community organizations who receive them.
BIG SORT DAY 2008: 1.52 minutes video: Aamina Skakir is in the video. SHE PARTICIPATED IN THE BIG SORT DAY LAST YEAR:
A variety of videos at the Food Bank can be found at
Calling filmmakers ages 25 or under: MAKE A VIDEO ABOUT FACES OF HUNGER IN AMERICA: HELP RAISE AWARENESS AND MAYBE win $10,000 in cash and prizes.
Sample video 1. 02 minutes: Faces of Hunger in America:
ANOTHER SAMPLE VIDEO: Chicken a la Carte:
October YAC Board Breakfast Meeting
Old Business
Officers Reports
Sarah and Braeden did not have anything to report
Rose said that she would not be able to attend the JASO meeting but wanted to know what resources she could count on to enhance Multicultural Week Celebrations.
Fall Fest Report Vincent requested for the YAC booth to have only one table to focus on fundraising for YAC next year. Other projects could have their own tables. Josh said that a tent was perhaps not needed. The location of the tent was terrible. Next year, YAC needs to consider being next to Multicultural Club because they sell the food and we sell the international drinks.
New Business
1. Home Groups:
Goal: Relevant and engaged freshman participation in service-learning. Relationship Building time with focus on freshman needs
November site visits: Who is going where, tentative reservation of suburban and bus
Braeden will have date and location next week. He will call a meeting with his group after chapel. He requested $45 per meeting for snacks for his group. Vincent and Braeden will talk about it. Mrs. Clay suggests a feed provided by the team for snacks.
Caitlin reported that Chandler is not going to need a site visit. She will join the elderly group.
Vincent stated that he will also join the elderly group. Mrs. Clay reported that 3 freshmen went to Johnson elementary to explore being music teachers on Fridays from 4:00 - 4:30 p.m. The next site visit will be the Friday after Mid-Winter Break.
Other home group facilitators were not present.
Sophomore chairs did not attend the meeting, nor did Aamina or Rebecca. We have not heard from Rebecca and we need to ask her if she wishes to keep her name as part of the board.
Josh will change the date of breakfast meetings for Challenge 20/20. We started communication with the school in New York and the project needs to start functioning next week. He is checking for a breakfast meeting at Jimmy's Egg with Mr. Huestis, Mr. Bright, Mrs. Zesiger, Mrs. Clay and Khadija. Goal: Report on current status of Challenge 20/20 Global Warming, recruitment of volunteers and date and time for meetings. NAIS has requested Mrs. Clay to attend a possible panel in Malta and present the Casady Challenge 20/20 participation. Mrs. Clay wrote an article for NAIS regarding Casady's participation as part of her proposal.
Casady Cans Do - Indirect Service-Mr. Pena stated that STUCO will take care of all divisions and will have a dramatization of the Can Do Thanksgiving for the LD. Aamina is leading this project. She will make the flyers and work in conjunction with STUCO. We are not sure what role Graham wants to play in this project yet.
National Service-Learning Challenge: Josh and Mrs. Clay will start the brainstorming of this project. YAC chairs will present it at chapel.
Goal: Promote service-learning and YAC in our community
Possible tools: Must be functional by spring
a. Presentation at Chapel
PowerPoint: Vision, Mission, Purpose, Projects
Slide Show
YAC Brochure
YAC Signs
YAC Blog
YAC Website
YAC Facebook
YAC Google Group
b. YAC Open House
Make Overs: Bulletin Board, Office
4. Open topics of Board interest Items not discussed
Next YAC E-day meeting:
1. Report on Fall Fest
2. Report on Home Groups
3. Report on Casady Cans Do
4. Report on Service-Learning Challenge
5. Report on Service-Learning Fridays: All documented in blog
1-5: Service-Learning, What is it at Casady? International Day of Peace: Pinwheels
Stress-Meditation: Inner and Outer Peace
6-7: Hunger, Casady Cans Do
8-10: Be the Peace: Roots of Service, Tree of Service
5. Casady Admissions Open House
6. Change in reporting hours to parents
7. Conferences
NYLC Conference in San Jose: March
NAIS Conferences: People of Color: February and National Conference: November
ISAS Conference in Dallas: ?
NAIS Challenge 20/20 leaders conference and request to possible panel presentation in Malta
Old Business
Officers Reports
Sarah and Braeden did not have anything to report
Rose said that she would not be able to attend the JASO meeting but wanted to know what resources she could count on to enhance Multicultural Week Celebrations.
Fall Fest Report Vincent requested for the YAC booth to have only one table to focus on fundraising for YAC next year. Other projects could have their own tables. Josh said that a tent was perhaps not needed. The location of the tent was terrible. Next year, YAC needs to consider being next to Multicultural Club because they sell the food and we sell the international drinks.
New Business
1. Home Groups:
Goal: Relevant and engaged freshman participation in service-learning. Relationship Building time with focus on freshman needs
November site visits: Who is going where, tentative reservation of suburban and bus
Braeden will have date and location next week. He will call a meeting with his group after chapel. He requested $45 per meeting for snacks for his group. Vincent and Braeden will talk about it. Mrs. Clay suggests a feed provided by the team for snacks.
Caitlin reported that Chandler is not going to need a site visit. She will join the elderly group.
Vincent stated that he will also join the elderly group. Mrs. Clay reported that 3 freshmen went to Johnson elementary to explore being music teachers on Fridays from 4:00 - 4:30 p.m. The next site visit will be the Friday after Mid-Winter Break.
Other home group facilitators were not present.
Sophomore chairs did not attend the meeting, nor did Aamina or Rebecca. We have not heard from Rebecca and we need to ask her if she wishes to keep her name as part of the board.
Josh will change the date of breakfast meetings for Challenge 20/20. We started communication with the school in New York and the project needs to start functioning next week. He is checking for a breakfast meeting at Jimmy's Egg with Mr. Huestis, Mr. Bright, Mrs. Zesiger, Mrs. Clay and Khadija. Goal: Report on current status of Challenge 20/20 Global Warming, recruitment of volunteers and date and time for meetings. NAIS has requested Mrs. Clay to attend a possible panel in Malta and present the Casady Challenge 20/20 participation. Mrs. Clay wrote an article for NAIS regarding Casady's participation as part of her proposal.
Casady Cans Do - Indirect Service-Mr. Pena stated that STUCO will take care of all divisions and will have a dramatization of the Can Do Thanksgiving for the LD. Aamina is leading this project. She will make the flyers and work in conjunction with STUCO. We are not sure what role Graham wants to play in this project yet.
National Service-Learning Challenge: Josh and Mrs. Clay will start the brainstorming of this project. YAC chairs will present it at chapel.
Goal: Promote service-learning and YAC in our community
Possible tools: Must be functional by spring
a. Presentation at Chapel
PowerPoint: Vision, Mission, Purpose, Projects
Slide Show
YAC Brochure
YAC Signs
YAC Blog
YAC Website
YAC Facebook
YAC Google Group
b. YAC Open House
Make Overs: Bulletin Board, Office
4. Open topics of Board interest Items not discussed
Next YAC E-day meeting:
1. Report on Fall Fest
2. Report on Home Groups
3. Report on Casady Cans Do
4. Report on Service-Learning Challenge
5. Report on Service-Learning Fridays: All documented in blog
1-5: Service-Learning, What is it at Casady? International Day of Peace: Pinwheels
Stress-Meditation: Inner and Outer Peace
6-7: Hunger, Casady Cans Do
8-10: Be the Peace: Roots of Service, Tree of Service
5. Casady Admissions Open House
6. Change in reporting hours to parents
7. Conferences
NYLC Conference in San Jose: March
NAIS Conferences: People of Color: February and National Conference: November
ISAS Conference in Dallas: ?
NAIS Challenge 20/20 leaders conference and request to possible panel presentation in Malta
Fall Fest-Homecoming
YAC students and Mrs. Jenkins collaborated setting up, manpowering and cleaning -up the YAC booth. Project Ignition, Challenge 20/20:Global Warming, and YAC board fundraised for closed to $300.
Project Ignition: Wanted to sell T-shirt, but did not accomplish its goal. The volunteers made $50 with the Big Bag toss and prizes provided by State Farm. Money's were deposited by William in the Project Ignition account. Villiam provided $150 of free t-shirts to all Casady volunteers.
Global Warming: Josh decided to make and sell egg rolls. He sold all his egg rolls, but he also had cookies and soy milk. We do not know what his cost was, but he made $80. He is managing his funds without a Casady account.
YAC fundraiser: Mrs. Clay went to Super Cao and purchased $140 worth of supplies to sell during Fall Fest and at the office. From sales from the office and Fall Fest, Vincent turned in to Mrs. Jenkins $160. Vincent provided free drinks to all YAC volunteers. We have a big stock of supplies to sell. Vincent also paid Gabi and Sarah for the supplies provided. He is yet to pay himself and Zainab.
Thank you to the Jenkins and Ou family for their donations of time and funding to help YAC fundraise for our yearly projects.
Project Ignition: Wanted to sell T-shirt, but did not accomplish its goal. The volunteers made $50 with the Big Bag toss and prizes provided by State Farm. Money's were deposited by William in the Project Ignition account. Villiam provided $150 of free t-shirts to all Casady volunteers.
Global Warming: Josh decided to make and sell egg rolls. He sold all his egg rolls, but he also had cookies and soy milk. We do not know what his cost was, but he made $80. He is managing his funds without a Casady account.
YAC fundraiser: Mrs. Clay went to Super Cao and purchased $140 worth of supplies to sell during Fall Fest and at the office. From sales from the office and Fall Fest, Vincent turned in to Mrs. Jenkins $160. Vincent provided free drinks to all YAC volunteers. We have a big stock of supplies to sell. Vincent also paid Gabi and Sarah for the supplies provided. He is yet to pay himself and Zainab.
Thank you to the Jenkins and Ou family for their donations of time and funding to help YAC fundraise for our yearly projects.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Thinking about diversity
Carefully Taught to hate and fear
Carefully Taught to embrace diversity
E Pluribus Unum: out of many, one
Carefully Taught to embrace diversity
E Pluribus Unum: out of many, one
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Service-Learning Fridays; 6th session: Fighting Hunger Feeding Hope: Personal Awareness
What does hunger mean to me?
Why should I care?
What change do I want to see?
How can we bring peace to hunger? How can we be the change we want to see?
2. HUNGER IN AMERICA"The fact that more than one in every ten Americans is impacted by food insecurity makes us quite unique among wealthy democracies in the world. The U.S. is not the only nation where people go hungry but it is the only wealthy industrial nation where such a high percentage of its population suffers from nutritional deprivation due to inadequate incomes. Nearly one in five children, in our nation, lives below the poverty level. We have more than enough food to end this problem. The real issue is not whether America can end hunger, the question is whether we have the leadership to do so."
Dr. J. Larry Brown
(Excerpt from Hunger in America: The Growing Epidemic,
Physician Task Force on Hunger in America)
3. Thursday, October 22: Hunger in America video: 13 minutes
4. Dramatization and art work
Friday, October 23: Kick off video: Please help: 53 seconds. Empty Bowls, Full Hearts Silent Auction begins. STUCO's activities unveilled
Monday, October 26: Inspirational video 1:53 minutes
Tuesday, October 27: Fighting Hunger, Feeding Hope Programs at the Food Bank 7:05 minutes
Wednesday, October 28: Food-4-KIDS Program: (2 minutes)
Thursday, October 29: Maybe: Dramatization by STUCO in LD, 5th grade in LD, and 1st or 2nd grade in UD of the book: The Can Do Thanksgiving or speech by A.J. Johnson Kids Cafes: Boys and Girls Club?
Friday, October 30: Slide show of week's activities and results of the week. Food Bank lunch, Empty Bowls, Full Hearts Silent Auction results
First Week of November: Sign-up for BIG SORT day, Saturday, November 14
A variety of videos at the Food Bank can be found at
MAKE A VIDEO ABOUT FACES OF HUNGER IN AMERICA: Calling filmakers ages 25 or under: HELP RAISE AWARENESS AND MAYBE win $10,000 in cash and prizes
Faces of Hunger in America:
2010 Souper Bowl of Caring
January 17, 2010 - February 7, 2010
Your Simple Service Project Could Change the Game. Join the 2010 Souper Bowl of Caring!
What if every American that watches the Super Bowl gave $1 or one food item to fight hunger and poverty in their own community? Imagine the powerful display of compassion that would be witnessed throughout the country during one or our nation's most indulgent celebrations!
In 1990, one group of students responded to a call to think of others while they celebrated the Super Bowl. They acted on their passion and started a movement that is transforming the time around the Super Bowl into a time of giving and serving. Last year, over 13,500 groups raised and donated more than $10.2 million to charities in their own communities. When everyone does their part, big things can happen. You and your students can join the movement!
REGISTER your school, class or club online at to receive your free Resource Kit in the Fall.
COLLECT canned goods and/or money anytime between MLK Day and Super Bowl Sunday (January 17- February 7, 2010).
REPORT your results to Souper Bowl of Caring and watch the national total grow!
DONATE 100% of your collection to the charity of your choice that provides food to the hungry, shelter to the homeless or help to the hurting. Make a difference in your own community!
Poverty and Hunger Curriculum from the K-12 Service-Learning list serve:
The nonprofit My Class Cares ( has just developed a new (and free) publication for secondary social studies and languages arts teachers. The publication, called Hopeful Voices, features essays from youth around the world whose incredible challenges have given them much to share about life and hope. Each essay concludes with prompts for student writing assignments, making Hopeful Voices a unique curriculum supplement for social studies and language arts classes. The website is:
Groups interested in doing a service activity based on Hopeful Voices are welcome to follow one of the writing-based, fund-raising suggestions inside the publication.
Please feel free to share with your contacts!
Thank you,
Ben Schumaker
Executive Director
483 Presidential Lane
Madison, WI 54558
P: 608-467-5706
What does hunger mean to me?
Why should I care?
What change do I want to see?
How can we bring peace to hunger? How can we be the change we want to see?
2. HUNGER IN AMERICA"The fact that more than one in every ten Americans is impacted by food insecurity makes us quite unique among wealthy democracies in the world. The U.S. is not the only nation where people go hungry but it is the only wealthy industrial nation where such a high percentage of its population suffers from nutritional deprivation due to inadequate incomes. Nearly one in five children, in our nation, lives below the poverty level. We have more than enough food to end this problem. The real issue is not whether America can end hunger, the question is whether we have the leadership to do so."
Dr. J. Larry Brown
(Excerpt from Hunger in America: The Growing Epidemic,
Physician Task Force on Hunger in America)
3. Thursday, October 22: Hunger in America video: 13 minutes
4. Dramatization and art work
Friday, October 23: Kick off video: Please help: 53 seconds. Empty Bowls, Full Hearts Silent Auction begins. STUCO's activities unveilled
Monday, October 26: Inspirational video 1:53 minutes
Tuesday, October 27: Fighting Hunger, Feeding Hope Programs at the Food Bank 7:05 minutes
Wednesday, October 28: Food-4-KIDS Program: (2 minutes)
Thursday, October 29: Maybe: Dramatization by STUCO in LD, 5th grade in LD, and 1st or 2nd grade in UD of the book: The Can Do Thanksgiving or speech by A.J. Johnson Kids Cafes: Boys and Girls Club?
Friday, October 30: Slide show of week's activities and results of the week. Food Bank lunch, Empty Bowls, Full Hearts Silent Auction results
First Week of November: Sign-up for BIG SORT day, Saturday, November 14
A variety of videos at the Food Bank can be found at
MAKE A VIDEO ABOUT FACES OF HUNGER IN AMERICA: Calling filmakers ages 25 or under: HELP RAISE AWARENESS AND MAYBE win $10,000 in cash and prizes
Faces of Hunger in America:
2010 Souper Bowl of Caring
January 17, 2010 - February 7, 2010
Your Simple Service Project Could Change the Game. Join the 2010 Souper Bowl of Caring!
What if every American that watches the Super Bowl gave $1 or one food item to fight hunger and poverty in their own community? Imagine the powerful display of compassion that would be witnessed throughout the country during one or our nation's most indulgent celebrations!
In 1990, one group of students responded to a call to think of others while they celebrated the Super Bowl. They acted on their passion and started a movement that is transforming the time around the Super Bowl into a time of giving and serving. Last year, over 13,500 groups raised and donated more than $10.2 million to charities in their own communities. When everyone does their part, big things can happen. You and your students can join the movement!
REGISTER your school, class or club online at to receive your free Resource Kit in the Fall.
COLLECT canned goods and/or money anytime between MLK Day and Super Bowl Sunday (January 17- February 7, 2010).
REPORT your results to Souper Bowl of Caring and watch the national total grow!
DONATE 100% of your collection to the charity of your choice that provides food to the hungry, shelter to the homeless or help to the hurting. Make a difference in your own community!
Poverty and Hunger Curriculum from the K-12 Service-Learning list serve:
The nonprofit My Class Cares ( has just developed a new (and free) publication for secondary social studies and languages arts teachers. The publication, called Hopeful Voices, features essays from youth around the world whose incredible challenges have given them much to share about life and hope. Each essay concludes with prompts for student writing assignments, making Hopeful Voices a unique curriculum supplement for social studies and language arts classes. The website is:
Groups interested in doing a service activity based on Hopeful Voices are welcome to follow one of the writing-based, fund-raising suggestions inside the publication.
Please feel free to share with your contacts!
Thank you,
Ben Schumaker
Executive Director
483 Presidential Lane
Madison, WI 54558
P: 608-467-5706
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Home Groups Yearly Agenda
Home group meet first E-Day of the Month during A-Block at assigned locations S-L office, Harper Wing, Library :
Fun, Food and Friends with a purpose.
Attendance taken to provide hours. Slide shows at
October 6: School related open topic discussions: First marking period, Fall Fest, Homecoming
1. Get to know each other: Ice breakers
2. Facilitators experience with YAC and home group project.
3. What organization does the group want to investigate during the November Investigation site visits?
4. Choose the date of the site visit. November: 9-13. Students leave school at 3:40 from Student Center Parking Lot. They return to Student Center Parking Lot at 6:30. Must wear comfortable clothes, shoes and bring snacks to be shared with the group and at the organization if appropiate!
5. Facilitators will contact organization, arrange transportation, and bring drinks for the group.
Special Care took Nov. 9th, 3:45-6:30. Suburban if only the group goes. Bus if more than 7 students go. Sasha will contact Special Care and made necessary reservations.
Other groups pending decision making. All groups must make decisions by the end of next week.
November 3: School related open topic discussions
1. Expectations of Investigation site visits
2. Who will attend?
3. Group creates rubric (guidelines of interaction) for site visits
4. Group creates reflection/evaluation forms for site visits.
5. Home Group participates in Investigation Site Visits: November: 9-13
December 2: School related open topic discussions
1. Assessment of investigation site visits
2. Planning of February Action Site Visits: February: 16-19. Chose date, create activities, assign responsibilities
3. Discuss: Family/Home Group Volunteering during
a.Holiday Season
b.MLK Day, Monday, January 18, Make a day ON service of a day OFF from school
January 11: School related open topic discussions
1. Revise plans for February Action Site Visits
2. Reflect on holiday season group or family service
3. Revise plans for MLK Day Home Group volunteering
4. Home Group plans for Kindness and Friendship Day (February 14)
5. Home Group participation on MLK Day of Service, January 18
February 5: School related open topic discussions
1. Final details for February Action Site Visits.
2. Creation of rubric of interaction and evaluation forms for Group’s Action Site Visits
3. Reflection on MLK Day of Service
4. Home Groups participation on Kindness and Friendship Day (February 14)
5. Home Groups participates in Action Site Visits:February 16-19
March 5: School related open topic discussions
1. Group reflection of February Action Site Visits
2. Preparation of April Celebration Site Visits, April 4-7. Choose a date, activities, responsibilities, rubic of interaction and reflection and evaluation forms
3. Planning home group end of the year demonstration of learning/ party
April 1: School related open topic discussions
1. Final details for Home Groups participation in Celebration Site Visits
2. Home Groups participate in Celebration Site Visits: April 4-7
3. Home groups plans participation in National Volunteer Week, Earth Day, and Global Youth Service Day
May 7: School related open topic discussions AP exams (History)
1. Home Group reflection on February Action Site Visits
2. Home Groups assessment of National Volunteer Week, Earth Day, and Global Youth Service Day
3. End of the year homegroup demonstration of learning/party
In 2008-2009 Home Groups were called Skills for Action groups.
Fun, Food and Friends with a purpose.
Attendance taken to provide hours. Slide shows at
October 6: School related open topic discussions: First marking period, Fall Fest, Homecoming
1. Get to know each other: Ice breakers
2. Facilitators experience with YAC and home group project.
3. What organization does the group want to investigate during the November Investigation site visits?
4. Choose the date of the site visit. November: 9-13. Students leave school at 3:40 from Student Center Parking Lot. They return to Student Center Parking Lot at 6:30. Must wear comfortable clothes, shoes and bring snacks to be shared with the group and at the organization if appropiate!
5. Facilitators will contact organization, arrange transportation, and bring drinks for the group.
Special Care took Nov. 9th, 3:45-6:30. Suburban if only the group goes. Bus if more than 7 students go. Sasha will contact Special Care and made necessary reservations.
Other groups pending decision making. All groups must make decisions by the end of next week.
November 3: School related open topic discussions
1. Expectations of Investigation site visits
2. Who will attend?
3. Group creates rubric (guidelines of interaction) for site visits
4. Group creates reflection/evaluation forms for site visits.
5. Home Group participates in Investigation Site Visits: November: 9-13
December 2: School related open topic discussions
1. Assessment of investigation site visits
2. Planning of February Action Site Visits: February: 16-19. Chose date, create activities, assign responsibilities
3. Discuss: Family/Home Group Volunteering during
a.Holiday Season
b.MLK Day, Monday, January 18, Make a day ON service of a day OFF from school
January 11: School related open topic discussions
1. Revise plans for February Action Site Visits
2. Reflect on holiday season group or family service
3. Revise plans for MLK Day Home Group volunteering
4. Home Group plans for Kindness and Friendship Day (February 14)
5. Home Group participation on MLK Day of Service, January 18
February 5: School related open topic discussions
1. Final details for February Action Site Visits.
2. Creation of rubric of interaction and evaluation forms for Group’s Action Site Visits
3. Reflection on MLK Day of Service
4. Home Groups participation on Kindness and Friendship Day (February 14)
5. Home Groups participates in Action Site Visits:February 16-19
March 5: School related open topic discussions
1. Group reflection of February Action Site Visits
2. Preparation of April Celebration Site Visits, April 4-7. Choose a date, activities, responsibilities, rubic of interaction and reflection and evaluation forms
3. Planning home group end of the year demonstration of learning/ party
April 1: School related open topic discussions
1. Final details for Home Groups participation in Celebration Site Visits
2. Home Groups participate in Celebration Site Visits: April 4-7
3. Home groups plans participation in National Volunteer Week, Earth Day, and Global Youth Service Day
May 7: School related open topic discussions AP exams (History)
1. Home Group reflection on February Action Site Visits
2. Home Groups assessment of National Volunteer Week, Earth Day, and Global Youth Service Day
3. End of the year homegroup demonstration of learning/party
In 2008-2009 Home Groups were called Skills for Action groups.
Home Groups Meet Tuesday, October 6-First Time
Musicians Inc. Facilitator Vincent. Location: Library
This is the first year for the home group. Deric, Vincent and Teddi have worked together before.
Participants: Deric
Students who do not have study hall interested in music
This is the first year this group will meet.
Pets: Facilitators: Gabby and Shelby-Harper Wing
Elderly: Facilitator: Braeden, Library senior area
Special Care: Sasha, Service-Learning Office. This is the first year for this group
Zoo: Rachael, Library
Undecided: Rose, Library
Students with no home group still searching for a service project
This is a new group this year
Respect Diversity, Zainab, Library
Knitting for Soldiers, Chandler Helms, Library
Native American Stories, Caitlin, Library
All in One, Aly, Library
Infant Crisis Services, Aamina, Library
This is the first year for the home group. Deric, Vincent and Teddi have worked together before.
Participants: Deric
Students who do not have study hall interested in music
This is the first year this group will meet.
Pets: Facilitators: Gabby and Shelby-Harper Wing
Elderly: Facilitator: Braeden, Library senior area
From end of september 2009 |
Special Care: Sasha, Service-Learning Office. This is the first year for this group
Zoo: Rachael, Library
Undecided: Rose, Library
Students with no home group still searching for a service project
This is a new group this year
Respect Diversity, Zainab, Library
Knitting for Soldiers, Chandler Helms, Library
Native American Stories, Caitlin, Library
All in One, Aly, Library
Infant Crisis Services, Aamina, Library
Friday, October 2, 2009
Multiple Intelligences: Teaching through the arts
Collaboration between birds and humans in music composition
Birds on the Wires from Jarbas Agnelli on Vimeo.
fifth service-learning fridays: Service based on values
Reflect on meditation with post-it notes.
Go over connection of stress, bullying
Read Service as a path to peace. View the slide show here.
Do service values tree activity
Friday, September 25, 2009
Third official YAC Meeting- Monday, September 29: Harper: Agenda
Chairs Report:
Attendance: Rose, Braeden, Vincent, Andrew, Gabrielle, Tony,Johnesha, Sasha, Deric, Josh, Calvin, DJ.
1. Rose (Fundraiser, Fall Fest, Asia Connection-Manga and Anime in Tulsa this weekend) Rose asked people to sign-up to sell cokes (B-Block: Calvin Layman) and for Fall Fest (Andrew/Mrs. Clay: Project Ignition-Selling T-shirts, and promoting William's Game. No other concrete commitments) YAC Chapel Presentation - Tentative date: End of October. Presentation: Braeden, Rose, and maybe Sarah. YAC Brochure: Josh and Mrs. Clay.
2. Braeden (Casady Open House): The people who came to the office came to see Mrs. Clay. Thank you Braeden for your time!
3. Josh (Challenge 20/20-Opportunity to help the Oklahoma Green School Pilot Program). No reply from grant applications. Volunteers were needed to help Oklahoma Green School Pilot Program. The first energy measuring tool arrived and was delivered to Mrs. Linn.
Treasurer Report: Sell food during Fall Fest: Oct. 9. Use the grill and cook something easy, not sold at Jimmy's. Nothing concrete regarding what YAC will be doing to fundraise at Fall Fest-maybe pie a YAC member, maybe sell food??? The Pizza fundraiser was not approved!
Home Group facilitators must get Vincent's approval for snacks over $5.00. Must bring receipt to be reimbursed!
Media and Marketing Report: Zainab (Constitution), Aamina (Website)
Zainab and Aamina did not attend the meeting.
Sponsor's report: Old and new business
1. Home Groups-First Home Groups meet Tuesday, October 6 E-day, A-Block. Mrs. Clay placed a sign letting freshman know the change of date, but some came to Harper. She apologized for the inconvenience and will bring a good snack to Service-learning Fridays.
Home group facilitators received the list of people who have signed-up so far and location of their meeting during A-Block, Tuesday, October 6. Fun, food, and friends with a purpose. Mrs. Clay will try to get all people who have not signed-up to do so this week.
2. YAC Open House - This item tabled for next meeting. We need to create a process for the YAC Open House. Maybe a scavenger hunt with a prize at the end!! YAC members stated last year that just coming to figure out where the office is and eat ice cream was not enough. We have pinwheels and freshman profiles at the library, a service-learning brochure, an office, several bulletin boards... to be featured in the scavenger hunt.
3. Volunteers Needed
a. Green Schools Pilot Program (Challenge 20/20)
b. World Neighbors World Fest (See details in bulletin board)
c. Sarah's Project: (See details in bulletin board)
d. Students Against Hunger: Casady Cans Do (Collection last week of October)
e. Dig Pink: Girls Volleyball Service Project: Fundraiser for breast cancer research is on the 13. Mrs. Clay will be walking/running on the 10th with interested advisees at a Breast Cancer Walk. Maybe YAC members could consider do so too with interested members of their advisories. It will be a good opportunity to get to know each other better and do something for a great cause. Here is the pertinent information to register, sent by Dr. Gerard:
My advisory has formed a team in support of Race for the Cure 2009 and
Marsha Thetford-McCubbin. If you would like for your advisory to join us in this project, please follow the link below or contact me to join our team. Teachers and students can sign up online for the Blue Goes Pink team.
We will also be supporting the girls volleyball's Dig Pink effort by purchasing Dig Pink t-shirts to wear in the race.
Thank you.
For Registration you can visit the web address:
To view the team page for Blue Goes Pink, you can visit the web address:
Chairs Report:
Attendance: Rose, Braeden, Vincent, Andrew, Gabrielle, Tony,Johnesha, Sasha, Deric, Josh, Calvin, DJ.
1. Rose (Fundraiser, Fall Fest, Asia Connection-Manga and Anime in Tulsa this weekend) Rose asked people to sign-up to sell cokes (B-Block: Calvin Layman) and for Fall Fest (Andrew/Mrs. Clay: Project Ignition-Selling T-shirts, and promoting William's Game. No other concrete commitments) YAC Chapel Presentation - Tentative date: End of October. Presentation: Braeden, Rose, and maybe Sarah. YAC Brochure: Josh and Mrs. Clay.
2. Braeden (Casady Open House): The people who came to the office came to see Mrs. Clay. Thank you Braeden for your time!
3. Josh (Challenge 20/20-Opportunity to help the Oklahoma Green School Pilot Program). No reply from grant applications. Volunteers were needed to help Oklahoma Green School Pilot Program. The first energy measuring tool arrived and was delivered to Mrs. Linn.
Treasurer Report: Sell food during Fall Fest: Oct. 9. Use the grill and cook something easy, not sold at Jimmy's. Nothing concrete regarding what YAC will be doing to fundraise at Fall Fest-maybe pie a YAC member, maybe sell food??? The Pizza fundraiser was not approved!
Home Group facilitators must get Vincent's approval for snacks over $5.00. Must bring receipt to be reimbursed!
Media and Marketing Report: Zainab (Constitution), Aamina (Website)
Zainab and Aamina did not attend the meeting.
Sponsor's report: Old and new business
1. Home Groups-First Home Groups meet Tuesday, October 6 E-day, A-Block. Mrs. Clay placed a sign letting freshman know the change of date, but some came to Harper. She apologized for the inconvenience and will bring a good snack to Service-learning Fridays.
Home group facilitators received the list of people who have signed-up so far and location of their meeting during A-Block, Tuesday, October 6. Fun, food, and friends with a purpose. Mrs. Clay will try to get all people who have not signed-up to do so this week.
2. YAC Open House - This item tabled for next meeting. We need to create a process for the YAC Open House. Maybe a scavenger hunt with a prize at the end!! YAC members stated last year that just coming to figure out where the office is and eat ice cream was not enough. We have pinwheels and freshman profiles at the library, a service-learning brochure, an office, several bulletin boards... to be featured in the scavenger hunt.
3. Volunteers Needed
a. Green Schools Pilot Program (Challenge 20/20)
b. World Neighbors World Fest (See details in bulletin board)
c. Sarah's Project: (See details in bulletin board)
d. Students Against Hunger: Casady Cans Do (Collection last week of October)
e. Dig Pink: Girls Volleyball Service Project: Fundraiser for breast cancer research is on the 13. Mrs. Clay will be walking/running on the 10th with interested advisees at a Breast Cancer Walk. Maybe YAC members could consider do so too with interested members of their advisories. It will be a good opportunity to get to know each other better and do something for a great cause. Here is the pertinent information to register, sent by Dr. Gerard:
My advisory has formed a team in support of Race for the Cure 2009 and
Marsha Thetford-McCubbin. If you would like for your advisory to join us in this project, please follow the link below or contact me to join our team. Teachers and students can sign up online for the Blue Goes Pink team.
We will also be supporting the girls volleyball's Dig Pink effort by purchasing Dig Pink t-shirts to wear in the race.
Thank you.
For Registration you can visit the web address:
To view the team page for Blue Goes Pink, you can visit the web address:
4th Service-Learning Friday: Reflection and Meditation
Classes slowed the pace a little bit. We reflected on the activities performed in the last 3 Fridays. Mrs. Clay share meditation and breathing techniques to release stress and create a reflective atmosphere.
Students received a request for help with a project from classmate Sarah P. Donations of Xmas bags for Children in Haiti are needed. They also received the Service-Learning brochure with pictures from the Pinwheels for Peace Celebration at Will Rogers Amphitheater.
Students were reminded that Home Groups will meet the first E-Day of the month. Mrs. Clay made a mistake and told them Monday, but the first E-day of the month is not until the following Tuesday. This gives an opportunity to students without stydy halls to sign-up for a home group.
During the double, students also had a Peace Walk as part of their reflection. They were to take pictures and mail them to Mrs. Clay to receive their four hours of service credit. Student visited the primary division and went by the LD and the MD. As they walked they took pictures of what brought ideas of Peace, Service and/or spirituality. It was a beautiful day and a great activity to end the day.
Students received a request for help with a project from classmate Sarah P. Donations of Xmas bags for Children in Haiti are needed. They also received the Service-Learning brochure with pictures from the Pinwheels for Peace Celebration at Will Rogers Amphitheater.
Students were reminded that Home Groups will meet the first E-Day of the month. Mrs. Clay made a mistake and told them Monday, but the first E-day of the month is not until the following Tuesday. This gives an opportunity to students without stydy halls to sign-up for a home group.
During the double, students also had a Peace Walk as part of their reflection. They were to take pictures and mail them to Mrs. Clay to receive their four hours of service credit. Student visited the primary division and went by the LD and the MD. As they walked they took pictures of what brought ideas of Peace, Service and/or spirituality. It was a beautiful day and a great activity to end the day.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Tuesday meeting with Project Ignition
William and another member of the Charger Project Ignition team came to Jimmy's Egg and made the following decisions. Andrew Y. is the YAC Casady facilitator of this project. Thank you State Farm project Ignition grant funding for breakfast!
1. Volunteers for Project Ignition booth at Fall Fest are needed. The HH kids have to leave after 6:30. Andrew and Mrs. Clay will covered final hours of Fall Fest project ignition booth if needed.
2. Project Ignition will have an activity at Fall Fest. For information contat Andrew Y. Project Ignition will provide "free t-shirts" for volunteers and will sell t-shirts at Fall Fest.
3. Mrs. Clay will contact UD Director at HH to start a collaboration to bring speaker for Project Ignition for both School. William can pay the speakers fee from grant funding, but needs help with transportation and accomodations. Casady can provide accomodations. We are looking for HH to cover or provide the transportation cost.
5. William needs the laptop at Fall Fest for video viewing.
6. William has made preliminary contacts to attend the NYLC Conference in San Jose, California in March. Pre-registration with early bird discount is due in October.
1. Volunteers for Project Ignition booth at Fall Fest are needed. The HH kids have to leave after 6:30. Andrew and Mrs. Clay will covered final hours of Fall Fest project ignition booth if needed.
2. Project Ignition will have an activity at Fall Fest. For information contat Andrew Y. Project Ignition will provide "free t-shirts" for volunteers and will sell t-shirts at Fall Fest.
3. Mrs. Clay will contact UD Director at HH to start a collaboration to bring speaker for Project Ignition for both School. William can pay the speakers fee from grant funding, but needs help with transportation and accomodations. Casady can provide accomodations. We are looking for HH to cover or provide the transportation cost.
5. William needs the laptop at Fall Fest for video viewing.
6. William has made preliminary contacts to attend the NYLC Conference in San Jose, California in March. Pre-registration with early bird discount is due in October.
Monday, September 21, 2009
September Reflection through pics
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Mid september 2009 |
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pooch parade and pinwheels for peace 2009 |
International Day of Peace History
Jane Goodall's Peace Vision
Inspirational Songs
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- Casady YAC Challenge 20/20 states purpose
- Project Ignition finalizes plans for March
- MLK Day of Service: Plans begin
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- Julia Sewell Confirmed guest speaker for Project I...
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- YAC meetings: November breakfast meeting on Tuesda...
- Service-Learning Fridays: 8th session
- Second Home Groups meetings
- October 30: Service-Learning Fridays
- Project Ignition Breakfast Meeting
- October 26: YAC meeting
- An inspiration message from Kaija
- Hunger...Food for Change!
- Service-Learning Fridays: Seventh Session-Friday,O...
- October YAC Board Breakfast Meeting
- Fall Fest-Homecoming
- Thinking about diversity
- Service-Learning Fridays; 6th session: Fighting Hu...
- Home Groups Yearly Agenda
- Home Groups Meet Tuesday, October 6-First Time
- Multiple Intelligences: Teaching through the arts
- fifth service-learning fridays: Service based on v...
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- cbc:; 405-749-3103